18 Sure – Fire Signs She Wants A Relationship With You
By Ruth Jesse
January 5, 2025 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Are you one of those who is wearing a crown of “It’s complicated” when it comes to your relationship status and dating life? Are you not sure what she wants?
Does it seem hard to see through her heart?
You have no idea how to know about her feelings?
Relationships have always been complicated.
There are heartbreaks and many complications, but if you find the perfect one for you it will change your life for good.
Many people fail to have true love in their lives due to several reasons, such as betrayals, compatibility, lack of communication, and most of the time, they never get to confess.
That’s right, people just shy away from telling their feelings. They are afraid that the opposite person might not receive their feeling as they want.
As a result, they never get to share their feeling with the one they love.
Are you one of them? Then you do not have to be worried anymore.
We will provide you with 18 Sure-Fire signs that tell you that she wants a serious and real relationship with you.
🔎 Find out with these 18 Sure-Fire Signs She Wants A Relationship With You 🔍
It is not very easy when it comes to true love and serious relationships.
In a world of a million heartbreaks every day, how would you know she feels the same way about you?
Are you afraid of another heartbreak? Or not sure what she wants? Then, worry not!
Here are some of the best and subtle hints that she’s genuinely interested in you and wants a committed relationship with you.
1. She’s asking a lot of questions
Is she asking a lot of questions lately? About your day, your family, and your life?
Then this is the time to take the hint.
That’s right! She wants to know more about you and how you feel.
She had already made up her mind regarding you and now wants to be in a relationship with you.
If she’s just looking for a casual relationship, then she wouldn’t mind asking any of these questions.
But if she wants to know about your life goals, it means she’s interested in you and looking forward to being in a serious relationship with you.
2. She’s interested & enthusiastic to meet your family
Another great sign that she wants a serious relationship with you is if she is enthusiastic to meet your family or friends.
She might hint at it by saying it casually or pointing it out directly, which is a good sign.
Now, you can be sure that the relationship is getting serious.
If she doesn’t want a long-term relationship with you, she would never waste time meeting your family or friends.
3. She remembers little things
It is always important to have healthy communication for a healthy relationship, which includes carefully listening to everything you say including small details.
If she is really listening to you and even remembers the little details you tell her, she’s totally into you, and a good sign that she wants to move forward in a serious relationship.
This is the time you take hints and express your true feelings if you feel the same way about her.
Treasuring the things you disclose to her and keeping them with her is one of the main signs she wants a relationship with you.
4. You regularly get texts from her
Are you getting regular texts from her? She wants to know about your day and you.
Or does she tell you everything about her and her day right away?
This means you are in her mind all the time. You are the first one who comes into her mind when she wants to tell anything.
Which only means one thing, A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU!
It is one of the big signs that shows she cares about you.
You can now be happy and relieved, she’s your dream girl and she feels the same about you. you are not just friends anymore.
Go ahead and tell her about your feelings. She will be more than happy to hear from you first.
5. Her behavior has changed
Are you noticing a change in her behavior or body language recently?
Is she more caring and connecting to you a lot these days?
She wants to be with you all the time and she enjoys spending time with you.
She is up for a meeting whenever she has time.
She’s always smiling a lot when around you and seems to be relaxed when she is with you. Notice her body language.
Yes, my friend! She’s ready to be in a serious relationship with you.
She sees you as her potential partner or even a marriage material person and wants a serious relationship with you.
Now, all you have to do is respond to the signs if you want to be in a relationship with her as well.
6. She tells you the things
For a girl, it is not easy to share everything about her and her past relationships and heartbreaks. She does not open up until she feels safe.
You are no longer the other person or just a good friend to her.
It is time to take another hint if she is telling you the things. Things, that she would never share with anyone unless she trusts someone.
So, if she tells you about her life, her past, plans as well, she trusts you and wants a relationship with you.
If she’s telling you about her past relationships and heartbreaks, and even declining invitations, she is hinting at you about what she wants in a relationship and what her expectations are.
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7. You are spending a lot of time together
Recently, have you been spending a lot of time together?
You are spending Saturday nights and even holidays together? You are together on trips as well?
Then, this is another huge sign that all she needs is only you and wants to be in a relationship with you.
She is giving you hints that she wants a serious relationship and wants to spend her time with you only.
If this is something you are experiencing then, it is the perfect time to let your feeling out and let her know that you have the same feelings as she does.
8. She no longer uses the dating apps
If she has said Goodbye to the dating apps and all the other guys, which indicates, she finds you perfect for her and wants to be a part of your life.
When you ask her if she is using a dating app and she says “No”, this is one of the most obvious signs.
Because it’s not just sex, she truly believes that you are the only one for her.
She is no longer searching for a perfect man anymore because you are the one she looks up to.
This is good news for you. She is looking forward to having a serious relationship with you, not just casual dating.
All you have to do is accept the love she is willing to pour on you and be happy together.
9. She’s honest with you
If you two are having direct communication and she is being honest with you, these are the great signs that she wants to be with you.
Because you are not just anyone to her.
She can say the whole truth in front of you without being afraid, then she’s ready to be with you and start a real and true relationship with you.
10. She always comes to you for help
Whether something’s troubling her or wants to make a decision, she always comes to you.
If she’s talking about the future keeping you in reference, it is all clear that you are her go-to person.
If she is casually dating you and doesn’t want anything serious, there are plenty of people or other friends she could have asked for help.
She trusts you and has faith in you, which is the founding stone for any serious relationship and one big sign as well.
You are always the first person that comes to her mind when she is troubled or needs any help.
11. She steals glances at you
If you often catch her stealing glances at you and she smiles at you every time there is eye contact, this is a telltale sign that she expects a serious relationship from you.
If you think that’s cute and you adore her, you can make the first move and tell her that you are interested and feel the same way as hers.
12. She is spending holidays with you
You are spending most of the important holidays together such as Christmas and Thanksgiving.
That means you are important to her and she wants to be with you on important days.
If she wants to be in a relationship with you, she’ll even spend her holidays with your family or maybe she’ll bring you home with her.
This is a huge sign that she is ready to be with you in a serious relationship as she’s letting you into her inner circle.
13. She talks about the future
Are you noticing, recently she’s been talking about the future a lot and making plans?
If she plans to travel with you to her home, she wants to move into a serious relationship.
A girl will never talk about the future unless she wants to be with you.
She is giving you a clear signal that she is interested and wants a serious relationship and how special you are to her.
14. You are her priority, not just a friend
Do you think she’s adjusting her schedule for you or canceling her plans?
That only means one thing, she made you her priority.
Making you her priority indicates only one thing and that is she wants to be in a serious relationship with you.
If she doesn’t want a relationship, she will never adjust her schedule or cancel her plans with her girlfriends just to stay with you.
15. She goes PDA’s
She is not afraid to show affection towards you publicly.
She’s holding your hand and wants everyone to know that she is taken.
If she’s giving you hints like this, you can be certain that she is serious and wants to be with you
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16. She gives you hints & all the signs
She is dropping hints after hints to show you how she feels and she wants a serious relationship with you.
If she makes it clear to you, which is one of the biggest signs she wants a serious relationship and sees herself with you, what else are you waiting for then?
She has already given you the green light by saying that she likes you and wants to continue dating.
Go ahead and tell her that you want the same thing as hers.
17. She listens to you
Most of the time when you are telling things to someone, they don’t care to listen to you.
But when you are with her and she makes you feel special more than close friends and she pays attention to everything you say, she thinks you are the one for her.
If she didn’t want anything serious, she wouldn’t care to pay attention to you. But this sign shows how much she cares and how she feels about you.
18. Finally, she says the L word
She’s been acting differently the past few days, but you didn’t get the hint.
You didn’t notice that she was trying to show you that she likes you.
Then, she finally says that she Loves you.
This is a direct and clear sign when she expresses her love towards you. Even a no-brainer could tell this.
She wants to spend the rest of her life with you and with this, she made it clear.
📌 Tips on how to know if a girl is serious about you 📌
If you want to know whether she is serious or you are not, look at the signs given here and you will get the hint.
⫸ Every time you text her
She responds very quickly as if she was just waiting for your text. If she is not serious about you she wouldn’t bother replying to you right away.
⫸ You like talking to her.
Not just friends, and sharing things with her because she makes it easy and comfortable. She always starts deep conversations with you.
⫸ If you are down
She will cheer you up and support you. She always encourages you to be the better version of yourself.
⫸ When she’s showing physical intimacy
It is one of the signs she wants a serious relationship with you and sees her life with you.
⫸ She always says “We” instead of “I”.
It shows that she considers you in her plans and gives you signs she wants a serious relationship with you.
⫸ When she is making an important decision or planning anything ahead
She will pay attention to your advice and include it even if it’s a small thing.
There are other signs such as If she feels jealous when she sees you with other women. She’s marking her territory and making sure.
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💡 Ways To Make a Girl Fall For You 💡
Have you fallen for a girl at first sight? Or is she one of your good friends and wants her to look at you the way you do?
Try these simple, sweet, and romantic ways to make her fall for you.
◉ Accept her the way she is.
When she knows that she can be herself around you, she will fall for you.
◉ If you want her to love you, you have to let her know you to the very core.
It is one of the best ways to make her feel connected to you.
◉ Try something new and different.
If a girl likes the modern dating style, take her somewhere nice and romantic.
◉ Put her first
Make her feel that she is the most important person to you, she will appreciate it.
◉ Show her that you are reliable.
If she knows that you are there for her in her ups and downs, she will fall for you.
🧐 Conclusions 🧐
If you like her and want to know if she has the same feelings, all the signs above will act as small steps toward your relationship.
If you notice any of the signs, you can be relieved now, she’s totally into you and wants a serious relationship with you.
She has been dropping these signs to make it clear, how she feels about you. Now, you have to make a decision and move forward in your relationship.
If you want to be with her, this is your chance to reciprocate and respond to one of these signs.
In case, if this is not what you want, then it is time to let her know. You have to make it clear before anyone’s feelings are hurt.
But if you are ready for a serious relationship and want to her part of your life, then don’t be afraid and don’t let true love pass you by.
🤔 Relevant Questions 🤔
❓ How do you know if a girl is serious about you?
Some obvious signs show that the girl is serious about you. For example:
● She gives a quick response to your messages
● She always encourages you and supports you
● She loves having deep conversations with you
● She remembers every little detail you tell her
● She’s comfortable with public displays of affection
● Every decision of hers includes you
● She talks about her life with you
❓ How do you know if she wants to be your girlfriend?
If she shows any of the signs mentioned below, she wants to be your girlfriend;
■ One of the major signs is that she acts like your girlfriend.
■ She’s giving you cute nicknames
■ She leaves things behind as an excuse to meet you again
■ Occasionally she will touch your hand and hug you more often
■ She starts asking about your family
■ She’s always there for you
■ She confesses her feelings
❓ How do you know if she wants a future with you?
If she wants a future with you, she will drop hints with these signs:
◆ She’s trying to get to know your family and friends better
◆ She’s putting you on her social media account
◆ She offered you to stay with her and includes you in upcoming plans.
◆ She regularly calls you and texts you
Ruth Jesse
Ruth is a life coach who specialises in relationships and career development. Outside work, she loves writing novels and guides for personal development.