“Why Is She Nervous Around Me?”(20 Must-Take Note Reasons)

By Ruth Jesse

January 10, 2024   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

why a girl acts nervously around you

There could be several reasons why a girl acts nervously around you. Maybe she’s intimidated by your good looks, or perhaps she’s just not used to being around people who are as outgoing as you are. In some cases, the girl may have a personality that clashes with yours, and she’s not sure how to act around you. This is just her cognitive defense mechanism kicking in.

No matter the reason, it’s important to try and put the girl at ease. Be friendly and relaxed around her, and take the time to get to know her. Let her know that you’re not going to judge her, no matter what she does or says. If she feels comfortable around you, she’ll be more likely to open up and talk to you.

Here are 20 possible reasons why she might be feeling uneasy around you:

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1. Because she is interested in you.

A woman with a crush might be feeling nervous around you for one reason: because she likes you. Most women rarely act nervous around a man when they are uninterested in him, even if they run into him constantly or think about him often. It’s when women want to impress someone that their palms might get sweaty, or they might feel flush.

The key to this body language sign is that it isn’t constant. If you see a woman act nervous every time she sees you, then it probably means something else is going on – maybe she’s not interested in men at the moment, or she has other things on her mind.

2. She likes the way you look.

If a woman with a crush sees you in passing, she might be nervous because she thinks you’re good-looking. Your body language combined with your facial expressions are often enough to entice her heart rate to rising or her body to become tense. It’s even possible that she might blush in your presence. However, a woman’s body language differs from a man’s behavior when he likes someone.

Women are more inclined to become nervous and shy around men they’re interested in, while men might feel quite the opposite with women they find attractive. In these cases, it’s important to remember that body language is the body’s way of expressing emotional reactions without words.

If she looks away or her body language is shifty such that she moves her body from side to side as she tries to make eye contact for too long after passing by each other on the street, these signs indicate that she may be feeling nervous because of how attracted she is to you. Sometimes the body responds involuntarily, therefore, giving away a person’s genuine emotions.

3. She is nervous about what you think of her.

Even if she has talked to you on multiple occasions, a woman with a crush may be nervous around you because she is worried that she did something wrong or that you don’t like her. She wants to do well in your company and may feel anxious if you challenge her or tease her.

Even if she is interested in you romantically, a woman may be shy around you because body language signals that she’s nervous. She may cross her arms or fold them across the chest to protect herself. This is the same thing as how fight or flight mode is activated when an animal senses it is threatened.

Even if body language cues are not easily visible, a woman anxious about talking with you may avert eye contact, making less eye contact than usual. Even though this sounds subtle, looking someone in the eyes can feel intense when romantic interest is shown on either party’s part.

4. She is nervous about what she thinks of you.

It’s also possible for a woman with a crush to be nervous when in your presence because she has been thinking about you and how much she likes you. She may feel completely frazzled, even if it’s been days or weeks since you last crossed paths. The body does funny things in the presence of someone it likes. If she is nervous around you, it means that she feels something for you, and it’s probably not negative.

She wants to feel more comfortable around you so chances are she has no idea how to go about feeling more relaxed when in your presence.

5. Frustration with herself.

A woman who has a crush on you might be nervous in your presence because she is regretful about her body language and body posture when around you. She wants to impress you but isn’t sure what to do. For example, she may be fidgeting too much or not making eye contact.

She might also be crossing her arms or legs, which are both signs that she’s uncomfortable. This can make her feel frustrated with herself and make her even more nervous around you.

6. She is worried about her reaction to you.

A woman may have a crush on you, but she is also worried about her physical response to you. For example, if she gets weak in the knees when she’s around you or feels like her heart is racing, she may be nervous about it. She wants to be attractive to you but is worried about the physical manifestation of her attraction.

If she has a crush on you, she may start blushing or trembling when she gets near you. She’s not only worried about if you like her, but she’s also concerned about your body language towards her body language.

Sometimes, body language can be very subtle and hard to read, even if you know what to look for. For example, if she likes someone standing with their back against the wall at a party, she might accidentally make physical contact with them as an “accident.”

In other words, body language can be evident without being too obvious.   In this case, the woman might do something as innocent as brushing an arm or leg against yours as a way of testing how interested in her that person is.

7. She is nervous about doing something wrong or making a mistake.

Even if she has talked to you on multiple occasions, a woman with a crush may be nervous around you because she feels like at any moment, she might do something downright embarrassing. For example, she might spill her coffee on you or say something too personal.

Another factor that may contribute to her nervousness is that she is attracted to you, which only increases the chances of doing something embarrassing or awkward.

Another very common reason women become nervous around men they have a crush on is fear of rejection. They are afraid to tell you how they feel because what if you don’t feel the same way? What if you reject them and embarrass them even further by telling them their feelings aren’t mutual? All these possibilities can lead to an intense level of discomfort.

The solution for this problem is pretty simple; all she has to do is be confident enough in herself and her feelings, not letting the fear of rejection control her actions. If she gets over it, then her actions like spilling on you won’t be as big of a deal.





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8. She wants to make a good impression.

A woman with a crush often feels nervous around you because she wants to make a good impression. She may mimic your body language or act like she is the same as you. In some cases, she may even try to be funny or entertaining so that you like her.

On the other hand, if she is acting too perfect, you should be wary. She doesn’t want to appear easy or desperate, so she will keep up the chase for a while. However, she’s likely just acting that way because she wants something from you – for you to pay attention to her or give her your time.

One of the only sure-fire ways to tell if a woman likes you is to see how often she initiates conversations with you and asks personal questions. If she does not ask many questions and never starts conversations (especially important ones), she may not be interested in getting to know you better.

9. She is worried about what others think of her.

A woman with a crush on you may feel uncomfortable around you because she doesn’t want other people to realize that she likes you. For example, if other people in the workplace may talk behind her back, she might want to keep up a good appearance.

It’s also possible that she’s not entirely sure if she has a crush on you or if she wants to get to know you better, but the idea of other people knowing makes her nervous.

10. She had a bad experience with you or another man.

In some cases, a woman may feel nervous around you because of a bad experience with someone else. For example, if another man broke her heart in the past or acted inappropriately towards her, she may be worried that you will do the same. On some level, she may also be comparing you to that other man.

No matter what the reason is, it’s essential to learn how to make a woman comfortable around you to form a stronger bond with her. If she’s scared or gets nervous tics every time that she sees you, then there won’t be room for any love or attraction between the two of you!

11. She is afraid of rejection

A woman with a crush may also be nervous around you because she is afraid of rejection. For example, she might be worried that if she talks to you, you won’t want to talk to her back or make fun of her. Rejection can be a harrowing experience for someone attracted to someone else.

So that she doesn’t lose the admiration she feels for you, she may keep her distance. Shyness and introversion can overlap with social anxiety, but they don’t necessarily have the exact causes or effects.

If you notice that a woman who has turned you down is still looking at you or seems to be lingering around your area, she may like you and is trying to work up the courage to talk to you. She feels nervous and regrets not talking to you, and wants to apologize for her behavior. If this is the case, it is good to approach her and ask what is wrong.

In general, if a woman seems nervous around you, it’s a good sign that she may have a crush on you. If she doesn’t seem nervous but rather indifferent or maybe even cold towards you, it’s less likely that she likes you and isn’t interested in talking to you.

12. She is trying to hide her feelings from you.

In some cases, a woman with a crush on you may be nervous around you because she doesn’t want you to know that she likes you. For example, she might try to act like she doesn’t care about you or be mean to you. She might also avoid spending time with you or talking to you.

Another possibility is that she’s scared of how you will react if she tells you how she feels. She may be worried that you will reject her or make fun of her. This can be especially hard for a woman to deal with if she has never had a boyfriend before.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to remember that she is probably just as nervous as you are. Try not to take it personally and let her know that you’re okay with her feelings. If she still doesn’t feel comfortable around you, give her some space, and don’t push her into telling you how she feels. Eventually, she may be ready to open up to you.

While it may seem like she doesn’t care about you, remember that even if she doesn’t want to admit it or act like it, she probably still does.

13. She is worried that she can’t handle your rejection.

A woman who has a crush on you might also feel uncomfortable around you because of how much it would hurt if you rejected her. For example, if she has strong feelings for you and thinks there may be a chance for you and her, the rejection would be devastating.

She may worry that she won’t handle the emotional pain if you say no. So, she may try to distance herself from you as a way of protecting her heart. This can be frustrating for you because it may make it difficult to get to know her better.

If you’re interested in getting to know this woman better, be understanding of her feelings and take things slow. Let her lead the way, and don’t rush her into anything she’s not ready for. If she feels comfortable around you, she’ll let you know. In the meantime, be patient and give her time to get to know you better.


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14. She wants to be around you but is afraid of getting close.

A woman with a crush on you may feel nervous around you because she wants to be close to you but is also afraid of getting too close. For example, she might be worried that you will reject her if she gets too close to you.

In some cases, she might also be worried that if she gets close to you, she will reveal her feelings to you, and then you will reject her. If she feels this way around you, it may be because she is not sure if you reciprocate her feelings.

15. She is afraid of embarrassing herself.

A woman with a crush on you may feel nervous around you because she is afraid of embarrassing herself. For example, she might say something stupid or make a fool of herself somehow.

Maybe she’ll say something goofy, or she’ll act in a way that makes it obvious she’s interested in you. If the woman you’re interested in is picking up on your signals, she may be feeling just as nervous as you are.

16. She admires you from afar.

In some cases, a woman with a crush on you may be nervous around you because she admires you from afar. For example, she may see how you interact with other people and be in awe of how much self-confidence you have. She may also be impressed by your intelligence or sense of humor.

17. She is trying to figure out if she likes you.

In some cases, a woman with a crush on you may act like she’s nervous around you because she is trying to figure out if she likes you. For example, she might watch how you talk or behave and try to see if she has similar interests.

If she can find some common ground, she may begin to relax around you. Your prospective girlfriend may need extra time and help from you as she figures out if she has a crush on you.

18. She is shy.

A woman with a crush may also be shy around you because she is afraid of how you will react to her. For example, she might not know what to say to you or feel like she can’t make eye contact.

If she doesn’t know you well and she’s nervous around you, she may think she will do something silly like stumble over her words or lose her cool.

19. She is afraid that you won’t like her back.

In some cases, a woman with a crush on you may be nervous around you because she is afraid that you won’t like her back. For example, because of how you interact with other people or because of body language cues, she might think that there isn’t any chance for the two of you to be together.

This can be especially true if you are already in a relationship. On the other hand, she may also be anxious because of how she perceives that you act when you are around someone you like. This can be because you make prolonged eye contact or because you are very attentive to her.

20. She is nervous because she likes you a lot.

She acts nervous because she likes you a lot and doesn’t know how to act around you. She may be acting weird because she is trying to hide her feelings. There are some obvious signs that a girl has a crush on you. If she is constantly blushing around you, giggling when she talks to you or touching your arm, then there is a good chance that she likes you.

If she is acting weird around you, then it is evident that she likes you. Don’t be scared to go up and talk to her if she likes you. She will probably be super excited that you are talking to her! Good luck scoring your first date with the girl of your dreams!

🧐 Conclusions 🧐

Whatever the reason, it’s important to remember that she’s probably just scared when she’s around you. Try not to develop negative feelings and be understanding and patient. If you can make her feel comfortable around you, she’ll start to warm up to you in no time.

If a girl with a crush is acting nervous around you, it might be because she’s not sure how to act. It could be that there are so many thoughts going through her head at the same time, and she doesn’t know which one to focus on. She could be shy and nervous at the same time.

No matter the reason for her nerves, there are some things you can do if this happens! Maybe take advantage of those moments by talking about something funny or teasing them back- usually, girls love when guys tease them. Or sometimes, all they need is someone who will listen patiently without judgment as they work out what to say next. Don’t worry too much about what you should do in these situations – just be yourself because she likes you for who you are and ask her out on that first date.





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Ruth Jesse

Ruth is a life coach who specialises in relationships and career development. Outside work, she loves writing novels and guides for personal development.

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