The Do’s and Don’ts of Modern Online Dating

By Miranda Davis

January 10, 2024   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

online dating dos and donts

Hi there! Have you been giving serious thought to online dating and all that comes with it? Decades ago, you had to rely on a friend’s introduction or bump into a potential partner in a grocery store aisle to meet your perfect match. The other option was to walk the journey into marriage with your high school sweetheart.

Nowadays, things have changed. There are many online dating apps available, and people spend a lot of their time on video calls, phone calls, and text messages. But, even with all these opportunities available, a physical meeting is necessary.

Nevertheless, if you do choose to date virtually, how do you ensure that you’re protecting yourself online? What are the intricacies involved in online dating, and how do you jump over hurdles? If you want to date successfully now, here are some do’s and don’ts you should consider.

The Do’s

online dating tips

1. Be Honest About Yourself

Please, don’t lie about yourself on your online dating profile. If you choose online dating for marriage, you expect your partner to be as honest about themselves as they can. If both of you are true about yourself, it becomes easier to tell whether your relationship can go further.

Remember, online dating is not the end of a real relationship. It’s only the beginning of something new. When online dating partners meet offline, they want to associate what they know with their partners. So, if you make a false claim on your profile, you could be wasting someone’s time, and even worse, hurt their feelings.

Online dating to marriage statistics says that the most irritating behavior on dating apps is people lying about themselves on their profile. So if you’re serious about what you want to get from online dating, don’t lie about yourself.

2. Speak to Your Close Friends or Family about Your Online Dating Interactions

Just like offline, online dating can get involved. We’re not saying that you shouldn’t get emotionally invested. We’re saying that you need to protect yourself while online dating. One of the best ways to do this is to speak about your interactions with a friend or family member.

They can give you an outside perspective about some conversations. Besides, it’ll be easier for them to inform you of anything suspicious you should be aware of.

3. Beware of Requests for Money

Unfortunately, not everyone is on a site to find the partner of their dreams. That’s why many people ask the question, “are online dating sites real” because they’ve heard about cases of fraud associated with online dating.

To protect yourself from fraudsters, keep an eye out for people who ask you for personal information such as your bank details. Also, cease contact if someone starts asking you for money.

There’s no reason why someone should ask to borrow money from you while you’re online dating. To be on the safe side, only register on reputable sites and keep your private info private. No matter how comfortable you feel around the other person, protect yourself first.

The Don’ts

online dating donts and dos

1. Stop “Type-casting”

Can online dating be successful if you expand your boundaries? Definitely yes! But only if you do not type-cast. Type-casting is a new online dating term. It refers to only wanting to date based on someone’s star sign compatibility or eye color, for example.

You might want to delete the “no Libras” rule from your profile. The more open-minded you are about other people’s interests, the more exciting your online dating life will be. Step outside your comfort zone and embrace open-mindedness.

2. Don’t Overdo Anything

If you’ve been wondering how online dating affects communication, look at this scenario:

For the most part, when it comes to communication, men think that women love getting bombarded by romantic text messages. Even if your feelings are sincere, sending your partner the same message ten times a day may feel overwhelming.

If you notice your partner withdrawing from the conversation, it could be that she doesn’t want to bait you into overwhelming her with your sentiments. Also, don’t spy on your partners’ social media accounts looking for fodder.

You will end up spoiling the suspense of the relationship. Your date may also not like that you went around fishing for information they weren’t ready to give to you.


Online dating isn’t easy for everyone. But, even if you’re not successful the first few times, hang in there. It gets better with time. Have you tried any dating apps? How was the experience? What would you tell someone who is just starting? We’d love to know!

Miranda Davis

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the best online dating sites. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.

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