Does Your Online Dating Profile Need Sprucing Up?

By Alex Wise

April 12, 2019   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

how to improve your profile

Is your profile looking as good as it could be?

A good retailer knows that inventory needs to be rotated every so often to give it a fresh look. Whether it’s redoing the display windows or moving the brighter colored blouses to the front of the rack, a little rearranging gives things a new look.

Your online dating profile is really nothing more than a marketing tool. If you want to attract more clients, you need to know how to improve your profile.

There are several ways you can give your profile a little attention without spending too much time. Here are some of the things you can consider:

  • Change your main profile photo or add a new one. Got a new haircut or great outfit you want to share? Snap a picture. If you happen to have photos of your yard or house, add a new photo with spring flowers in bloom.
  • Has anything changed about your life you think is worth mentioning?
  • Are your goals still the same? Are you still looking for a companion to go antiquing? Have you decided that the new person in your life should exhibit an interest in your new favorite-Asian Fusion foods? Add it.
  • Take a few minutes to review your profile for typos or other mistakes. Read it aloud or better yet, have a friend (who will be honest) read it and offer feedback.
  • If the dating site you use has taglines, like, change the tagline. Liven it up. If only the first few words are going to show, choose your tagline carefully. Do a little proofing as you go along to make sure you’re happy with the changes you’re making.

Think About Your Target Audience

Write for the person you want to attract. Try and get in his or her mind, just a little.

For example, I like men who read. That’s why I tend to be lengthy in talking about books and magazines I’m reading.

I prefer men who are conversationalists and those who want to talk about more than sports and their job. I make sure to indicate that I want that in a relationship to give men more information about me. This is a way to ensure compatibility.

Samantha Daniels, a professional matchmaker, writes for the Forbes online magazine. In her article called “Diversify Your Dating Portfolio”, she very cleverly compares dating portfolios with stock portfolios.

I’ve offered you some simple basic tips on freshening up your profile for spring but Daniels goes deeper. She suggests that you branch out, look at other ways to meet dates, and do some thinking about what you want in a relationship.

Invest In Yourself

No matter how you approach dating, there are times when you need to reevaluate how things are going. Take a look at your goals by doing some revisions and sprucing up of your online dating profile. Go deeper and spend serious time examining your dating plan.

The effort you put into it will pay off. We always feel better when we update and energize our lives. You’ll never know what dividends you might be opening yourself up to.

Do you ever revise your profile? What do you do to promote yourself in the dating world?

See Also: Dating Tips for Finding the Right Person

Alex Wise

Alex is blog contributor and dating consultant of – the fast-growing online dating site. He has been covering online dating, relationships, online and marriage niche since 2008. He loves sharing meaningful content that educates and inspires people to bring their dreams into reality. Alex spends way too much time on the internet, but still manages to spend time with his wife and son, as well as get in some dancin’.

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