23 Ways On How To Make Her Want More You Badly!
By Ruth Jesse
January 10, 2024 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Getting her heart is important as that is the key to a happy relationship. She will give her all to make you happy while you also keep her going by speaking her love language. Once you are feeding and giving her what she needs, she will be sure to reciprocate and give you love, peace, tenderness, and happiness. Getting her to want you will involve completely being what she wants in her life.
💞 Here are the 23 Ways on how to make her want you more badly 💞
1) Eye Contact
Eye Contact is a great way for you to indicate to a girl exactly what you want. This can make them feel good and they are analyzing your body language so this will let her know that you are interested in her. This is especially useful when you have been in the friend zone and you are ready to move past that stage.
2) Just talk to her
Reach out to her at different times to have random conversations with her. She’ll notice that you are nice to be around and have her pay attention to you a little more. A good conversation will have you guys on the same page and this is what most women would like to have with their partners. It may seem simple but it makes a big difference when she’s thinking about you.
3) Confidence
Most women do things like playing hard to make a guy nervous or scared to talk to her. You can make a girl want you by showing confidence and going past her hard exterior. A general rule is to make her feel comfortable with you and make her want to pursue a relationship with you. Make her laugh and pay more attention to her needs and this will boost her feelings towards you.
4) Share things
When you both start as friends, you will understand all the things she likes to do and you will get to know her better. This is a good point as throughout the friendship, you will start to learn what she’s into. The more time you spend understanding her and making her feel special, they will go a long way into your dating life.
5) Body Language
Your body language is something that can make you attractive to her. This will show that you are making an effort to show her you are a nice guy and that you like her. This is a surefire way to for her to know that you are interested in her. This is a good example of how you can show your interest without having to mention it directly.
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6) Impress her
No matter what you have heard, impressing a girl is a great way to get her to want you more. If you make her laugh when you are showing an effort will mean the world to her. Once she smiles at you, this immediately will tell you that you are doing your job. This is an idea when dating you should always keep in mind, you will never go wrong with making her happy.
7) Smile
Once you put a smile on her face consistently, this can indicate that the girl likes you. If you are her new boyfriend, this is an area you should pay attention to. Girls smile a lot when they are comfortable. Once you have her at this point, you will not have to be wondering if she is into you or not.
8) Talking to her
In a relationship, especially on the first date, you should talk to your woman to get to know her. Knowing what she likes will make you more attractive than other guys. You should get to know these things to use them to your advantage. She may offer a little mystery but knowing a few things will put you in a better position to make her want you.
9) Compliment her
This is another example of where you cannot go wrong. Complimenting her will always have her in a space where she is thinking about her feelings. These little things while dating will mean the world to her and if you do it right, she will not want to lose it. The idea of having an attractive guy who compliments her will make her think of always having you in her own life.
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10) Friend Zone
Most guys get annoyed and do not know how to handle it when they are in the friend zone. Things like your texting style will have to be adjusted when you are preparing to move from this zone. There are wonderful things that can be experienced when moving from friends into a relationship, however, most girls may not realize how awkward it is for guys.
11) Be yourself with her
This is the same thing when you consider talking with her and leveling with her. Be yourself and allow her to see you for what you are. When looking through a girl’s eyes. she is looking for comfort and security in her relationship. She shouldn’t have to be wondering what you are thinking and where your head is at. She’s the apple of your eye, so she should know that.
12) Refer to things she mentioned before
This is a major problem for some women. She’ll tell a guy things that make her want to scream for example and he just won’t remember. This is an important point to show her that you care and remember things she has told you before. Nothing will make a girl want you more than she sees that you care and think about her feelings.
13) Social Circle
Integrating into her social circle is another great way for girls to feel comfortable with you. Once she is in a relationship with you, she’ll want the approval of her friends. Once they give the stamp of approval, she’ll be guaranteed to open up her world to you.
14) Give good advice
If she can talk to you and you give her good advice this is something she’ll appreciate. She’ll miss this side of you if you are no longer together. Going through life you will have various things going on with your own business and it is great to have a partner to discuss things with. Once you fill this gap in her life, you will be guaranteed to make her interested in you.
15) Love her naturally
Another way to get interest to flow in your relationship is to just make it happen naturally. The more time you spend together then the stronger the relationship can become over time. Throughout the relationship, if things develop naturally, then it will work out much better in the future as it will be a stronger bond.
16) Notice her friends
When you notice and have her friends be a part of your life is a great thing. Dating tips normally tell you to focus on your relationship with your friends too. A girl has to be wooed and swept off her feet, this is a great way to build interest for her.
17) Know when to give her space
Even though you are interested in her and show her all the parts of dating that she needs. She will also need her space to miss you and then allow for more memorable moments when you get together again. This is an attractive feature in a guy and she will appreciate it immediately and will love the idea of you being in her life.
18) Give her time
Another example of what you should do while dating is to just give her time. Time is
important for her to figure out what she likes about you and what she will miss if you are not there. This is also something that will show her that if she misses you when you are not there, this will show how that means something to her.
19) Do special things for her
It will make you very attractive to her when you think about and do special things for her. When you are thoughtful and show her that she means something to her, she will love it and you definitely will not miss that.
20) Show her what you bring to the table
With a relationship, a woman will want stability in her life where she can feel comfortable. Once she sees that you offer this to her life, she will not want to miss this opportunity to be with you. You will add value to her and she will appreciate that.
21) A good laugh
Making your girl laugh is underrated. Women love to feel comfortable and talking with their guys about various things like life should make them feel good. Sometimes things get heavy and she may need to take a load off, a good laugh can do this and put her in a peaceful state.
22) Be available
When she needs you always try to be there. Do not miss an opportunity to show that you are reliable and will always be her rock. Women love talking about various things or even just being there to hold her will also be appreciated. This is something guys should appreciate that girls need in their lives. Some guys think playing hard to get is a good thing, but sometimes this may not work so pay attention to her needs.
23) Affectionate
Girls love an affectionate man, that just changes all. From woman to woman, this is a great way that she feels your affection and while talking is a good thing, hugs and kisses go a long way.
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💓 More Tips to Win a Girl’s Heart 💓
1) Ask her out
A girl may be like a direct man who expresses his feelings when he is attracted to her. You can ask her out to spend time with her and see exactly what she likes. This is a good way to see what she likes and you can determine if you can provide that for her. Girls can be tricky but you have to spend the time to figure out your particular one.
2) Flirt with her
Secretly women like it when you flirt with them. They may not show it but they do like it when you show interest. Many times, guys do not know how to approach the girl so his approach is taken wrong. You just have to figure out the woman to see what she likes and execute your approach based on what piques her interest.
3) Give her gifts
If you give her thoughtful gifts that show that you care can help her to win her heart. Every girl has something that she likes and women will show this once you get to know them. It’s even better when you spend time getting to know her and you observe what she likes, you do not even have to ask. Just watch her and see what you can do and this will make her fall for you.
4) Win her parents
If she has a great relationship with her parents, then you should try to build one with them as well. This is a surefire way to make her fall for you, if her parents like you then you will get a great endorsement for your relationship to go ahead. Girls place great emphasis on the approval of their parents so you should pay attention to that as well.
5) Ignore other women
Women love attention and that will not change. Girls will appreciate it when you give them a good amount of attention so they feel special when they are with you. Especially when other women are around, you should not ignore her or make her feel like your interests are elsewhere. She’s gonna love you for that.
📱 Texts That Will Make Her Not Want You 📱
💡 You are sexy
This kind of text can only be used in a limited sense with your girl. She’s not going to appreciate this if your relationship is not at the point for you to interact like this. If you are not yet at that stage then it may not be wise to send this kind of text. Women can be turned off easily and you will not want to affect your girl by doing something as silly as this if you are not yet there.
💡 I miss you when I am not with you
Again, this is a text that can be misinterpreted in some cases. Women do not like clingy men and a girl will run away if she is getting a creepy vibe from her man. This will indicate that you want to spend more time with her but you should remember time apart is still very important.
💡 You are my life
This is another text that you should be careful of when you are using it. A girl can be turned off when you send a text like this too early in the relationship. This may be an innocent text but it is much more important how the text is received. She’s probably not going to see it for what it is and may see it as a stalker vibe instead. This may not work in your favor.
💡 I woke up in the middle of the night to text you
A girl may not find that attractive if you wake her up in the middle of the night and she is not into that with you. She may take your attention to be purely sexual and if she is not in that space with you then it will not work out. She’s going to probably be offended if you reach out to her in that manner when she is not in a sexual mood.
💡 Be mine and only mine forever
This is another text that she’s probably going to take the wrong way again. She may take this as you trying to own her and she may not be that type of girl. A girl can be touchy and you should be careful with this type of text so you do not scare her off and let her think you are controlling.
🔆 5 Tricks to Impress a Girl which Always works 🔆
1) Love yourself
When you love yourself, then you will be able to love someone else. A girl will see this as a good thing and she’s probably going to react well to you when she sees how you carry yourself. If you are loving and embracing yourself, then she will think you will be able to accept her as well.
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2) Be Nurturing
If you are a nurturing person by nature, this will be a good feature that will be attractive to her. This will show her that you care about personal achievement and you will extend this to her. As your girl, she’s encouraged to see you working on your interests and it will be positive in her life when you can encourage her in her passions as well.
3) Groom Yourself
A girl will love it when you groom yourself and take care of your appearance. She’s sure to show appreciation when you look good and women like these things. If a man takes care of himself, again, this will show her a few things that she can take into consideration if she chooses to be with you.
4) Be a Good Listener
A girl will love a good listener, she’s gonna have many things to say when you guys talk. This is where you should listen to what she has to say and pay attention to make sure you catch and remember what she has on her mind. This is a great way for you to impress your girl to show her that you listen to her and know and retain what she tells you.
5) Have an interesting conversation
When you talk to her, always keep the conversation interesting so she can speak to you. In building your relationship, you will want to spend time together so you want to ensure that the time together is fun for you both.
⚜️ 5 Tricks To Make A Girl Think About You All The Time ⚜️
1) Be Exceptional
If you want a girl to think about you all the time, you should aim to be exceptional in her life. This will make her think of you constantly as a good man and someone who can make her happy. Guys can rarely be everything for a woman so make sure you go above and beyond for her to like you.
2) Thoughtful texts
When you guys are not together, you can send thoughtful text messages to ensure she remembers you and have her thoughts lingering until you meet again. Text messages that allow her to think about you will be an interesting touch, send her a message that puts a smile on her face.
3) Be Spontaneous
Do not be routine with her during your relationship. Routines can become boring and uneventful and this may lead your girl to be uninterested as you go along. If you be spontaneous in what you do, you will keep her on her toes and keep her interested. Spontaneity makes the relationship fun and will keep her wanting more of you.
4) Be a little mysterious
While you are in the relationship, keep some things about you like a mystery. This will keep her wondering and wanting to find out more about you as your relationship progresses. This mystery will lead her to always want to come back to learn more each time she spends time with you.
5) Tease her
You can tease her with little things that she likes to put her in a good mood. This can lead to increasing her desire for you so it is an area to focus on so she will always think of you. Desire is a great driver of thought so it would be wise for you to focus on this to guarantee you will be on her mind.
💖 5 Sweet words to tell a woman to make her fall in love 💖
1) God did not make a mistake when he made you
This is a flirtatious compliment that will let someone know you’re interested. This can lead her to think about you and what you are feeling about her. However, this is a great compliment that she cannot ignore.
2)I love you, baby
This is you expressing how you feel about her and showing your vulnerability. Women love when a man shows exactly how he feels and this can lead them to think about the relationship a little more in-depth. This could lead to her falling for you while she contemplates how she feels.
3) I adore you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes
This is another way to compliment your girl so she knows where your mind is at. Never let a girl have to wonder what you think about her. Once you are straightforward with how you feel you should expect honesty from her as well.
4) You are so precious to me and I can’t picture life without you.
This will express how much she means to you and that you are expecting to spend forever with her. This is a good thing for a woman to know as she will get comfort and assurance of her feelings.
5) I enjoy spending time with you
This also allows you to make her feel good as she knows she makes you happy. Spending time and building your relationship is important and the more you work on it, she will appreciate the time you invest in her and she will have no hesitation to show her love for you.
📀 Conclusions 📀
There are a few things you can do to make your woman fall completely head over heels for you. This is mostly involving you giving her attention and expressing your feelings towards her. She will want to ensure that she is comfortable with someone who will love and appreciate her.
💿 Relevant Questions 💿
Q: How long should you text a girl before asking her out?
A: This is relative and based on the two persons who are involved. It can be dependent on how old you are, where you are in life, and the level of interest that you are exploring. This is also dependent on what you are looking for, so once this is considered, then you can determine how soon after a text should you ask her out.
Q: How can I attract her?
A: You can attract a girl by doing various things. Again, this is relative to the girl you are talking to. Different women are attracted to different things, they may like appearance, attitude, ambition, personality or it may be sexual. So it depends on who you are trying to attract and this will determine what you have to do to pique her interest.
Q: What attracts a girl to a guy physically?
A: Physical attributes can be a way that a girl can be attracted to a guy. A few of these attributes include lips, hair, eyes, face, muscles, or height. Once you determine the person who is looking and what she is looking for then you can be sure what physical quality will attract her.
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Ruth Jesse
Ruth is a life coach who specialises in relationships and career development. Outside work, she loves writing novels and guides for personal development.