9 Signs That You Have the Gift-Giving Love Language

By John V

January 10, 2024   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Every person perceives and expresses love differently. This unique expression and perception are often referred to as one’s “love language.” A concept developed over a decade ago by Dr. Gary Chapman, love languages describe the way we feel loved and appreciated in our relationships. They provide a framework for understanding our partners’ love language and our own.

Among the five love languages – words of affirmation, acts of service, gift-giving (receiving gifts), quality time, and physical touch – gift-giving is one of the most misunderstood. Many people confuse it with materialism when, in reality, it is about thoughtfulness, effort, and love.

If you’re a person who relishes the process of giving gifts or if the act of receiving a gift makes you feel immensely loved, your primary love language could be gift-giving. As a gift-giver, you see the act of giving gifts as a physical representation of your heartfelt commitment to your romantic partner, friends, and family.

In this article, we’ll explore nine signs that the gift-giving love language is your preferred method of expressing and receiving love.

1. You See the Value Beyond the Price Tag

Photo: Canva

For gift-givers whose primary love language is gift-giving, the monetary value of the gift rarely matters. It’s the thought and the intention behind the gift that counts. The value lies in the sentiment that the gift conveys, not in its price tag. For example, a single flower picked from a garden, a heartfelt love letter, or handmade concert tickets for a ‘living room concert’ could mean more than a pricey piece of jewelry or an expensive gadget. These are the tokens of love that hold special meaning, as they reflect the time, effort, and thought that went into them.

This understanding stems from the fact that a gift serves as a physical representation of your affection. The essence of the gift-giving love language is in the symbolic nature of the gifts. Every time the recipient sees or uses the gift, it serves as a reminder of your love and care. It’s not about impressing the recipient with high-priced items, but about expressing your feelings and showing that you know them and what they would appreciate.

>> Also Read: Why Personalized Gifts Matter More As A Married Person

2. You Enjoy the Hunt for the Perfect Gift

Gift-givers tend to find great joy in the process of finding the right gift. They relish the thrill of the hunt – be it browsing through stores, scrolling through online shopping websites, or visiting craft fairs. The search is part of the fun, and the anticipation of finding the perfect gift to express your feelings can be exhilarating.

But what exactly makes the ‘perfect gift‘? For a person whose love language is gift-giving, it’s not about what’s trending or what’s the most expensive. Instead, it’s about what gift could be considered as one of meaningful gifts by the recipient. It could be a book from their favorite author, a vinyl record of their favorite album, or even a simple handmade gift that reminds them of a special moment. It’s about finding something that, when they unwrap it, they realize how well you know them and how much thought you put into choosing something that would resonate with them.

3. Gifts as Expressions of Love

Photo: Canva

Gift givers view the act of giving and receiving gifts as a significant way to express their love and affection. To them, an actual gift serves as a physical representation of their feelings, a tangible symbol that manifests love in a form that can be seen and touched.

This is not to say that love can be reduced to material possessions. Rather, it emphasizes that a carefully chosen gift can speak volumes about your feelings for the recipient. It might be a book with an inscription that echoes your shared memories, a piece of jewelry that carries a special symbol, or an experience like a cooking class where you can create memories together.

4. You Keep a Mental (or Actual) Wish List

If gift-giving is your primary love language, you likely have a keen sense of the wants and needs of those you care about. You pay close attention to the offhand comments your loved ones make about things they like, need, or wish they had. You might even have an actual wish list – a document or note on your phone where you jot down potential gift ideas as they come up.

This list isn’t just about tracking material goods. It’s a testament to your attentive nature and your desire to make your loved ones feel seen and understood. A thoughtful gift inspired by this list shows that you listen and remember the details they share, reinforcing your love and care for them.

You might note down their favorite author’s new book, a special piece of jewelry they admired, or even a cooking class they expressed interest in. Even if they’ve forgotten about the comment, when they receive that gift, they’ll be touched by your thoughtfulness and the fact that you remembered.

5. Special Occasions and Just-Because Moments

Photo: Canva

While every love language shines on special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays, if your primary love language is gift-giving, you also find joy in “just because” moments. These are gifts that aren’t tied to a particular event or holiday but are given simply as an expression of love and appreciation.

A just-because gift might be as simple as bringing your partner flowers on a random Wednesday or getting your friend a book you thought they might enjoy. It’s not about the grandeur of the gift but about the sentiment behind it.

The beauty of a just-because gift is in its spontaneity and thoughtfulness. It sends the message, “I saw this and thought of you,” or “I know you’ve been having a hard time lately, and I want to brighten your day.” It communicates love and care in a simple, tangible way, making everyday moments feel special and cherished.

6. The Thought Counts the Most

As a person who has gift-giving or receiving gifts love language, the thoughtfulness behind a gift means more to you than the gift itself. It’s not about how expensive the gift is or how big it is, but rather about the intention and effort behind it.

You treasure the story behind the gift, the mental effort it took the giver to think about what would make you happy. A handpicked bouquet of wildflowers could mean more to you than an expensive store-bought arrangement if it’s clear that the giver put thought and effort into selecting each flower. Similarly, a handcrafted gift or a heartfelt letter may be more treasured than a generic, store-bought item.

You understand that a great gift isn’t defined by its price tag but by the love, time, and thoughtfulness invested in it. The time someone spends thinking about, selecting, or making a gift is a reflection of their feelings for you, making even the simplest gifts feel profound and meaningful. The thought truly does count the most.

>> Also Read: 7 Quick Tips for Personalized and Memorable Gifts

7. Feelings of Love when Receiving Gifts

Photo: Canva

For individuals whose primary love language is gift-giving, the act of receiving gifts often elicits strong feelings of love and affection. It’s not just about acquiring a new object – it’s about the symbolic value of the gift and the emotional connection it creates. Each thoughtful gift serves as a physical token of affection, a concrete reminder of the love and care they receive from the gift giver.

Whether it’s a single flower, a heartfelt letter, or a carefully chosen book, these gifts evoke feelings of being loved, cared for, and cherished. It’s not about the material worth, but the symbolic value. The understanding that someone took the time, thought, and effort to choose something just for them can be deeply touching and meaningful.

The joy of unwrapping a gift, the anticipation of seeing what’s inside, the thrill of discovering that it’s something they’ve wanted or needed, all these emotions contribute to the sense of being loved. Each gift becomes a cherished memory, a physical reminder of a moment of love and connection.

8. Recognizing Others’ Love Languages

While it’s important to know your own love language, understanding the love languages of those around you is equally crucial. It allows for a deeper level of empathy and understanding in relationships, as it helps you comprehend how others perceive love and what makes them feel most loved and appreciated.

If your primary love language is gift-giving, you might initially express your love for others by giving thoughtful presents. However, recognizing that their love language might be different – perhaps it’s quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, or physical touch – can help you adapt your expressions of love to suit their preferences. For example, if their preferred love language is quality time, instead of buying them a gift, you might arrange a special day out together.

Having knowledge about others’ love languages also helps you to appreciate the ways in which they express their love for you. They might not express their affection through gifts, but through spending quality time with you, affirming you with their words, doing acts of service for you, or expressing their affection through physical touch.

9. Feeling Hurt When Your Gifts are Overlooked

Photo: Canva

Just as receiving gifts can bring a profound sense of love and connection for people whose love language is gift-giving, being overlooked or unappreciated can be deeply hurtful. When a thoughtful gift is not received in the spirit it was given, it can cause feelings of disappointment and hurt.

For gift givers, each present is a symbol of their affection and care. When a gift is overlooked, forgotten, or not appreciated, it can feel like a rejection of their love and effort. This is not to say that every gift must be met with extravagant praise, but acknowledging the thought and effort put into the gift is important.

It’s vital for partners and loved ones of gift-givers to understand this. If your loved one’s love language is gift giving, showing appreciation for their gifts, no matter how small, is essential. Remember, for them, it’s not about the monetary value of the gift, but the thought and sentiment behind it. A simple thank you or a gesture of appreciation can go a long way in making them feel loved and valued.


Understanding one’s primary love language, such as gift-giving, can profoundly impact relationships by enabling clearer communication, greater empathy, and deeper connections.

For those whose love language is gift-giving, the act of selecting, presenting, and receiving gifts is an essential mode of expressing and experiencing love. It’s not about materialism or monetary value; it’s about the thought, effort, and sentiment each gift represents.

These individuals find joy in the process of finding the perfect gift and treasure the expressions of love they represent. They feel loved when they receive gifts and may feel hurt when their efforts are overlooked.

Recognizing and understanding the nuances of this love language can lead to stronger, more meaningful relationships. By honoring each other’s love languages, we can make our partners, friends, and family feel more loved, appreciated, and understood.

>> Also Read: What to Give On Valentine’s Day: A DumbLittleMan Gift Guide

FAQs: Gift-Giving Language

Is it materialistic to have gift-giving as your primary love language?

No, it’s not materialistic. Having gift-giving as your primary love language is not about the price tag on the gift or the desire for expensive items. It’s about the sentiment behind the gift. For these individuals, a gift is a tangible representation of love and affection. They value the thought, effort, and intention behind each gift, regardless of its monetary value.

How can I express love to someone whose love language is gift-giving?

For someone whose love language is gift-giving, the key is thoughtfulness. Pay attention to the things they mention in passing, their interests, likes, and needs. It doesn’t have to be a grand or expensive gift; even a handwritten letter or a single flower can mean a lot. Remember, the value they see is in the thought and effort you put into the gift, not the cost.

What should I do if my partner doesn’t appreciate the gifts I give?

Communication is essential. Talk to your partner about your love language and how important gift-giving is to you. Try to understand your partner’s love language as well. They may express and perceive love differently, and understanding that can help both of you cater to each other’s emotional needs better. The goal is to understand and respect each other’s love languages, fostering a deeper emotional connection.





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John V

John is a digital marketing master's student who enjoys writing articles on business, finance, health, and relationships in his free time. His diverse interests and ability to convey complex ideas in a clear, engaging manner make him a valuable contributor to these fields.

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