Taking The Mystery Out of Life: Why Humor Is Important

By Jerry Nelson
June 13, 2018 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

In one of his books, the late Dr. Wayne Dyer said:
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.”
Some persons attribute the quote to Einstein. Others reach back and give Buddha credit.
Regardless of who said it, there is really no middle ground where some things are miraculous and others, well, not so much. Too many people fall into the middle ground. Others believe in the existence of miracles as really taking place- if only rarely. Some are more jaded than others.
Plenty of people prefer to live with a sense of wonder because it’s more fun.
Life and everything in it are mysterious. Even tangible items, like science, is easier to understand than exploring life. Biology allows us to observe what is happening.
In life, we become active participants. We can only wonder how life works and accept the results with a touch of humor. We lean towards taking ourselves too seriously.
But, do you know why humor is important?
Keeping A Sense Of Humor
Life can’t be serious all the time and humor goes a long way in easing the pain. Being able to laugh is healthy for everyone.
When used correctly, humor can even defuse tense situations.
In a relationship, humor has been recognized as vitally important. Cultivating humor in a relationship requires both individuals to remain respectful. Marriage is not a stand-up routine or a witty repartee. A good marriage is two people playing with words where humor is not used as a weapon.
Contented people approach life and love with a finely tuned sense of humor. This isn’t about making jokes that rival Jimmy Fallon. It’s about seeing the funny side of being alive and reveling in everpresent humor. Life can be ironic, fun, and entertaining.
When you share humorous observations and are able to be silly and non-serious together, you’re open and vulnerable. You’re showing you are comfortable in your own skin and at ease with your partner.
There will be challenges and obstacles in life.
When a couple finds humor, things go much smoother. It may take some effort, but that’s alright. A sense of humor can keep the world balanced even if things feel like they are flying apart at the seams.
See Also: 3 Ways To Inject More Humor Into Your Relationship
In a particularly challenging situation, you can make light of it and find humor. It’s a means of enjoying and appreciating each other’s support and company even in a position that is mostly crappy. Comedy is a form of relief in a stressful situation.
“A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life,” wrote William Arthur Ward, an American writer.

Jerry Nelson
Freelance writer. I'm always interested in discussing work opportunities. Email me at [email protected]