3 Surprising Tips That Will Transform Your Job Search Approach

By Karyn Mullins

April 18, 2017   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

job search tips

Unemployment is tough, especially when you’re stuck in it for several months. Every day, you wake up early, get dressed, make a plan for the day, and hit the job boards only to find yourself falling short of the competition most of the time.

It’s particularly hard to stay positive during this period. Job searches are incredibly stressful. Between worrying about your lack of income, waiting to hear back from several prospects, and submitting your ninth application for the week, you have a lot going on.

A February 2015 study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that levels of agreeableness, openness, and conscientiousness decreased over time in unemployed participants. These things can negatively affect the way you feel about your situation.

It’s crucial to maintain a positive outlook and to take care of yourself. You need to manage your stress, stay healthy, and maintain a high level of productivity as these are the things that can help you land a job faster.

Hack Your Mind

The term “mind hacking” is increasingly popular nowadays and for good reasons. Mind hacks are essentially tricks and tips you can use to impact your cognition.

Essentially, they can help you manage your attitude. For example, if you’re frustrated in finding a work in sports, you can choose to let that negativity and hopeless feeling take over or you can reframe your perspective.

See Also: The Secret Mind Hacks That Can Change Your Life Today

Here are a few simple ways to hack your mind as well as the best job search tips worth giving a try.

Start a gratitude journal

gratitude journal

Every morning, after you wake up, write down three specific aspects of your life you’re grateful for. They can be as simple as the bagel you’re eating or as meaningful as your loving relationship with your spouse. Happiness is a byproduct of appreciation.

Counting all the awesome things in your life helps you focus on the positives and cultivate a sense of contentment. This is crucial to staying healthy and focused during a job search.

Perform acts of kindness

You don’t have to go build houses with Habitat for Humanity (although you absolutely can) in order to spread joy in the world. Any small act of kindness will do, like buying someone’s coffee or giving a compliment to a stranger.

Write daily affirmations

Choose a negative thought you have about yourself, like “I’m not smart enough to work in sports.” Then, write out the positive opposite of that belief. It could be, “I am capable and ready to work in sports.”

Keep a few of these affirmations on hand, like in a note on your phone. Refer to them and remember them when you find yourself drowning in negative self-talks.

Create a “done list”

This is the anti-to-do list. Writing your accomplishments by the end of your day can help you celebrate all your wins, no matter how small. Plus, you can reflect on it the following morning to start your day off right. They can remind you of your daily successes.

Create a Dream Job

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Create your own opportunity.

Let’s say you want to work in sports, but you’re not finding the right career that suits your unique skills and various passions. Start by defining your career wants.

For example, you want a flexible schedule, creative freedom, and you prefer to work from home. Research your industry, then find out where you can create this opportunity.

You want to combine your photography skills, writing ability, and passion for working with people? Then start a freelance gig where you can create digital albums for athletes.

Share your work on a blog or personal website. This way, potential employers or clients will notice your passion and strengths.

See Also: How to Market Yourself During A Career Search

Seek Out Recreation

physical activity

No matter how desperate your job search feels like, you still need some “me time.” Focus on two gifts you can give yourself: socialization and physical activity.

These things will help you stay happy and healthy during the stressful periods in your life.

A June 2016 report published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that 20 minutes of moderate exercise can enhance motivation for cognitive tasks and increase feelings of energy. It can reduce feelings of confusion, fatigue, and depression, too.

Combine staying active with being social. Join running clubs and try to meet new people while engaging in exercise. These breaks away from job hunting are crucial. They can help you clear your head and feel refreshed when you return to the job boards.

See Also: Top 5 Uncommon Jobs In The US And How To Get Them

If you’re looking for work in sports, planning a major career change, or just passively looking at open jobs, make sure you add some variety to your efforts. This is one of the best job search tips that can bring a positive perspective to the process.

How are you breaking up your tedious job search?

Karyn Mullins

Hi, my name is Karyn Mullins and I’m the President at JobsInSports.com. My goal is to provide job seekers with the tools they need to get ahead of the competition and land their dream job. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook

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