35 Small Acts Of Kindness To Spread Happiness And Flex Your Kindness Muscle

You want to be happy.
So, you do everything to maximize your happiness. You do the things that make you happy. You set and achieve goals. You make as much money as possible so you can buy your way to happiness.
But, what if I told you that one of the best ways to feel happy is to give it away.
Here’s what I mean…
Happiness is not a scarce resource. The more you give or share happiness, the more you get it back.
The joy of giving love and kindness is one of the best things you can experience as a human.
So, how do you experience the feeling on a regular basis?
I’ve got your back. I’ve compiled the list of 35 best random acts of kindness you can do in your daily life.
You don’t have to think of great ideas to become a kinder person. Every small act counts. As Aesop once said…
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
So, without further delay, let’s get down to the list.
Smile at strangers
A straight face helps no one. Smiling, however, can change your and others’ day in an instant. You don’t even have to fake a smile. When you’re genuinely happy to see fascinating people around you, the smile comes naturally.
Help a stranger
Helping people may require a donation of your time, money, effort, and energy, but it’s one of the best things we can do to keep humanity alive.
Be kind to anyone who serves you (even if you pay them)
Say “thank you”. Sure, you’re paying someone for their services, but don’t let money be an excuse for not being kind and grateful. Go beyond the transaction and overpay with kindness.
Forgive people
Everybody makes mistakes. You always forgive yourself no matter how big or small of a mistake you make. Do the same with every person who has done you wrong. It will liberate you.
See Also: 5 Reasons We all Deserve Forgiveness
Lower expectations
Expecting someone to do something for us is normal. But if someone doesn’t meet your expectations, remember that it is your job to manage your expectations. When in doubt, expect less. If they do more than expected, be grateful.
Give people the benefit of the doubt
If you don’t know the truth, assume a better judgment. It’s not about finding the truth, it’s about what you choose to believe. You may be wrong, but sometimes, it’s better to let go and choose what’s helpful.
Make someone laugh
Don’t you love those people who can make you laugh when you’re taking life too seriously? Laughing is a free therapy. The best part is that when you make others laugh, you get the therapy, too.
Listen to people
When I say listen, I mean REALLY listen. Like listening to others’ feelings, expressions, body language, and words. Don’t make it about you by thinking about what to say next. In the age of smartphones, giving full attention is rare but we can keep it alive.
Compliment people
Small random words of genuine compliments are beautiful. Genuine compliments come in your mind by training yourself to look for the good in people. Notice what’s good about others and don’t keep it to yourself.
Giving constructive feedback
While complimenting someone feels good, don’t shy away from giving constructive feedback. Because when you really care about others, you help others to do better by telling what they can improve on.
Waste fewer resources
Whether it is plastic, water, food, fuel, paper, electricity or other items, do your best to minimize the waste. When saving resources become a norm, more people will do it. And guess who can turn it into a norm? Us.
Donate or volunteer
Other than donating money, items, and clothes to a charity or a cause you believe in, you can donate your time by volunteering.
See Also: The Power of Volunteering
Inspire or motivate others
Your words have power whether they are verbal or in written form. One of the best use of your words is to inspire or motivate others to do the right thing.
Say good morning
Start off the day well by wishing people a good morning. It’s an excuse to practice gratitude.
Keep plants
Planting a tree, owning a garden or keeping plants at home not only helps the planet but staying in touch with nature is super beneficial for you.
Do an unexpected loving act for your loved ones
Help someone out with laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning or any other chore.
Spend time with someone without being in a rush
We all are busy. However, when you take out the time for someone without constantly looking at your watch, you can give them the best gift of all - your quality time.
Hugging releases oxytocin which helps us connect on a much deeper level. Some other ways you can connect are by giving a pat on the back and giving a high-five.
Have at least one vegetarian day a week
At least once a week, keep a day in which you won’t eat meat or just eat less meat in general.
Send a thank-you letter
Express love and gratitude by writing someone a thank you email, message or letter. It’s a small but high-impact gesture to let someone know how much you appreciate them.
Share what you have with others
You can share your food, resources, items, and so on. As we all know, sharing is caring.
Choose empathy
We make judgments about people instantly. It’s not your fault; it’s part of our nature. However, you can still choose empathy and let go of harsh judgments.
Cook a meal for someone
If you’re a regular chef, invite someone over. If you don’t normally cook at your home, try cooking a meal for others.
Give someone a book
If a book changed your life, share it with someone you love so they get can read it, too. It’s a small gift but it may have a huge impact on someone’s life.
Take care of yourself
When you take care and manage yourself better, you act less with your impulses and show up in a more positive way. Because if you feel negative, you spread the same vibes around you.
Pick up litter once in a while
If you do that, maybe other people will do the same and throw away less waste on the streets. Leading with an example is a step forward towards better public habits.
If someone’s in a rush, let someone get ahead of you in the line
You can also let anyone with a few items at a grocery store get ahead if you have too many items to check out.
Hold the door (or elevator)
Make it a habit to hold the door for the person right behind you. It’s not only kind, but a mature gesture to do.
Be happy for someone
Whether it’s a big or a small win, when someone achieves something, be happy for them and cheer them up.
Share your knowledge
If you know something that can help someone, teach them what you’ve already learned so they don’t have to hunt for resources to learn from scratch.
Call your parents
They miss you.
Pay for someone
Paying for someone’s meal, ticket or any other item is a great gesture of kindness.
Put gym equipment in its right place
Put in those reps, but make sure you put those weights back from where you picked them from.
Be super kind with a customer service rep
They listen to a lot of complaints all day long. Make their day by treating them really well by being extra kind to them.
Leave a positive comment or review
We consume a lot of stuff on the internet. But so often, we forget to hit the like button or leave a positive comment on the content we like. As a content creator, I know how big of an impact you make with such a small act.
“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.“ - John Bunyan
This list is just a starting point. There is no limit to how kind you can get.
Kindness is a therapy. When you feel down or discouraged, come back to kindness. It will give you the strength and the positivity you need to get back up again.
Even when you don’t feel down, it’s best to turn acts of kindness into your habits. Because with these best random acts of kindness, you’ll feel happy spreading happiness around you.
As you become kinder, more people will follow your lead as you set an example of what humanity looks like.
The world has seen enough rage, distrust, envy, and hate. It’s time you show up like a superhero with your superpower - your kindness.
Let’s not let the standards of humanity fall down. Together, we can make the world a kinder place to live.
Prakhar Verma
Prakhar’s mission is to help ambitious people design their epic lives at DesignEpicLife.com. He writes about life, self-improvement, happiness, success, productivity and other topics related to designing a better life. Get his free cheatsheet to design your daily success checklist for free by clicking here.