How to Find Inner Peace: 5 Beliefs You Must Drop Now

By Vartika
January 12, 2018 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Each one of us is fighting a battle no one is aware of. This is why finding inner peace is extremely important.
But, is it as simple as it sounds?
Not because it’s hell difficult but because of the beliefs, stories, perceptions, and philosophies we have adopted over the course of our lives. Dalai Lama could not have said it better, “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”
People think of peace as some kind of epiphany or an enlightenment from the skies.
In reality, inner peace has nothing to do with it. It’s more about accepting the things in life you have no control over and dropping beliefs you are holding onto for the longest time.
When you start to let go of those beliefs, you will find it within you to liberate yourself. This being said, here are five beliefs you should drop if you want to learn how to find inner peace.
I am perfect
No one was and will ever be. So, what’s the point of troubling yourself by comparing your life to others?
Drop the belief or even the expectation that you are perfect or sufficient. The moment you accept this reality, you’ll liberate yourself from one of the heaviest feelings in the world.
There’s no such thing as a perfect body, perfect career, perfect house, or even the perfect time. Perfect doesn’t exist.
Make peace with your life, struggles, and circumstances as they are. They are just the way they are supposed to be.
I have not achieved anything significant as of now
You don’t have to build a Taj Mahal or get a prefix in front of your name to feel important or special.
If you haven’t achieved something extraordinary, you don’t have to beat yourself to death for it. Destiny has a reason for everything.
All that matters is that you give your heart and soul to whatever it is that you do – from making planes to earthen lamps.
We all have our journey. Some reach their destinations early while it takes time for others. Don’t confuse movement with progress, my friend!
What if they don’t like me if I show my true self to them
Most of us aren’t content because we carry the baggage of being someone else. We are scared that if we act the way we are, people might not like that.
Just imagine:
How can you be happy being appreciated for being someone you are not? Does that validation even matter?
The reality is you are much more than the pretense you do, the jokes you crack, and the smiles people show when they look at you.
What matters is that you’re appreciated for what you are and what you do- even if it means not many people liking you.
See Also: Are You Your Own Best Friend Or Your Own Worst Enemy?
How can I love myself when no one else does
The world we live in paints a wrong picture when it comes to the idea of lovers and friends. Humans are social beings. We tend to surround ourselves with the company of others to feel better.
Those who aren’t social by nature get the whole idea wrong and end up thinking that something is not right with them.
We need to promote self-love, the concept of loving yourself unabashedly.
Go out on a date with yourself, travel solo, buy yourself gifts, and date yourself until you find someone worth it.
See Also: 5 Steps to Loving Yourself and Living Happily Ever After
I have to make them proud to feel good about myself
Success is the word which is making people feel inadequate about themselves.
What if I say that you don’t have to be successful, you just have to be you. Period.
People who love you when you don’t own the biggest bungalow or the fanciest car are the ones that really matter.
They love you for what you are- successful or not. They aren’t waiting for you to climb the Everest to say that they are proud of you.
The day we learn to get out of the shackles of these self-created opinions and beliefs will be the day we would find inner peace. The day we stop berating our existence and accept that we deserve nothing but the best will be the day we would enjoy inner peace.
Ask yourself this:
Why do we only rest in peace when we can live in peace?

Vartika Kashyap runs the marketing team at ProofHub — a project management software for teams of all sizes. She is a seasoned marketing professional who is an expert in digital marketing and entrepreneurship. She’s been featured among LinkedIn’s Top Voices for the year 2016. Connect with Vartika on LinkedIn, Medium and Twitter.