How To Be Successful: The Surprising Tip You Might Not Know About
By Shane Krider
April 19, 2017 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Different types of people achieve various levels of success. While some seem to be lucky enough to be successful in an instant, there are people who have to work really hard to achieve their desired status in society.
It all comes down to the Hierarchy of Needs, how you approach each tier and how you can make the Law Of Attraction work for you. Once you understand these things, crazy levels of success can be yours!
The Hierarchy of Needs breaks down human nature into these five facets:
Physiological Needs
The first requirement for humans is our physiological needs. They are the basic things we need for survival, like oxygen, shelter, and food. Once we meet these needs, we can then move on to seeking the second tier.
2. Security and safety
This tier includes employment, money and being able to proactively provide for yourself and your family. If we fail to achieve the first two needs, we, as humans, can bend our morals and values to obtain them. Take, for example, stealing food so your family can eat.
3. Love and belonging
This level involves love, intimacy, family and friendships.
A lot of us have our physiological and security needs handled most of the time. Once those things are obtained, we’re free to go for the next need in the hierarchy.
4. Self-esteem
This includes gaining confidence, achievement and respect.
This is where gaining recognition for your work and what you do play a big role. This is where you achieve real wealth which you can freely enjoy as you go higher in the hierarchy.
5. Self-actualization
The top part of the hierarchy is self-actualization. This is the full expression of your creativity, where everything you do is an expression of your deeper self.
Before you can reach the top tier, you have to go through the lower levels first. You’re not really going to be worried about self-actualization when you can’t feed yourself.
The hierarchy of needs explains a lot about life.
Today, we live in a world where we can easily find like-minded people who can lift us up and allow us to be who we really are. This has made tier 3 much easier to obtain. No matter where you live, you’ll find other people you feel connected to.
But, culturally, our thoughts and behaviors are still stuck in the past and they won’t make progressing that easy. This is where those bold, driven and extreme people surpass many in their pursuit of their pie-in-the-sky goals.
There’s a hidden system within this structure that, once known, can allow you to transform your life. Once you apply the Law Of Attraction in relation to the Hierarchy Of Needs, you’ll attract circumstances, people, and opportunities that will allow your life to go where you desire.
My tip: Skip tier three, focus directly on those top two levels and let the Law Of Attraction go to work. Once you put this life hack to work, everything else will be easy.
By shifting your attention to the self-esteem and self-actualization levels, you’ll instantly start attracting the people and vehicles that will help you be successful.
Be bold, driven and a bit crazy as you focus on gaining self-esteem and reaching self-actualization. The rest of the hierarchy will fall into place for you in the most wonderful way. Knowing how to be successful is only a part of the process. You also need to put in a lot of work to reach the top of the hierarchy.
Shane Krider
Shane Krider is an entrepreneur, personal development and leadership coach. After adopting personal development practises in his own life and achieving some amazing results, including creating a $170million business, Shane now shares his extensive knowledge to help transform people's lives on his popular podcast 'Shane Krider's Mind Power' found on iTunes, Spreaker and TuneIn. Or at