6 Essential Items You Must Have For Your New House

By Carifex Team
July 17, 2019 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Congratulations on buying your own house. However, I’m sorry to tell you that this is just the beginning. After numerous visits to the bank, going through multiple official papers, and getting ahold of your finances, you still have lots to do.
Don’t worry, this checklist of things you need when moving into a new house should make things easier for you.
Cleaning Supplies
The first thing that you must have is cleaning supplies. When you move into your new house, there will be places that haven’t been cleaned properly.
If you are a clean freak like me, you would not be satisfied unless you have cleaned every nook and cranny with your own two hands. That is why you should have all the necessary cleaning items, such as a vacuum cleaner, cleaning spray, towels, detergent, window cleaner, etc.
See Also: 9 Foolproof Ways On How To Maintain A Clean House
Insect Repellent
Whenever you move to a new place, you never know what the insect situation may be. However, you should make sure that the insecticides or pest repellent that you use are marked to be used indoors.
You should also know how to use the insect repellents as they come in different forms such as sprays and dust. For example, if you have an ant infestation, you should buy a safe indoor spray and also know how the ant sprays work.
Another thing that you will need once you have started moving is a toolbox and all the essentials that go with it. For example, nails, hooks, etc. There are going to be numerous things you need to hang on the walls and if you have a toolbox at your disposal, you can start hanging them as soon as you move.
Otherwise, they will be lying around the house. If you have young children, this can lead to a number of possible disasters.
Bathroom Necessities
After all the moving and cleaning, you are bound to end up in the shower. That won’t be possible if you don’t have the bathroom essentials that you may need. You need to have your toilet paper, towels, rugs, shower curtains, cleaning essentials, and toiletries. You need to make sure to pack them, so you don’t have to end up in an uneasy situation.
Curtains and Extra Lights
When you move into a new house, you may also need curtains and additional lighting. You don’t want the neighbors peeping through the windows and seeing you cleaning your mess. It’s better to put on the curtains before getting started.
Extra lights are also essential. It can never hurt to keep a few bulbs at hand as they are sure to come in handy sooner or later in the moving process.
A Location List
Last but not least, make a list of what you are packing and the things that you pack together. Not only can this be a great deal of help while unpacking, but it can also be a checklist that helps you know what is missing. Try to pack things that are supposed to be together in the same box so you can do one thing at a time without much hassle.
I hope that this checklist for new house can make your moving process a little easier and more comfortable. Happy Moving!

Carifex Team
Cora James is a blogger who loves to write about home improvement as well as its maintenance. She is an extrovert, believes in creativity and loves to re-model almost everything! You can read more about her posts at PestWiki.