The Modern Man’s Guide to Beards: How to Choose a Beard That Fits You Perfectly

By George Olufemi .O

November 6, 2017   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

beard style

Beards have made a comeback lately and they’re the ultimate fashion fad. The wail of those who cannot grow one can be heard from light-years away but sadly, there is no cure in sight as of yet.

Those who can easily grow a beard have their own problems: the difficulties that arise in choosing the perfect beard style. While any style can do as long as you are happy with it, your beard must complement the shape of your face.

Here is a brief guide to help you pick the right beard style for your face shape.

Triangle shape

beard style triangle shape
Via shopholicx

If you have a triangle-shaped face, you have three options for your beard: Mustache and Chin Strap, Balbo and Mustache and Goatee. Even though it seems that Chinstrap + Mustache requires the least of attention, it’s actually the other way around.

Due to the shape of the beard, you’ll have to shave a larger portion of your face in comparison with the goatee and the Balbo. It also takes more time to trim the hair, so the chin strap is even and thin, as it should always be.

Oblong shape

anchor beard style for oblong shape
Via hairstylehub

Mutton Chops are manly but they don’t actually go all that well for everyone. They mostly fit those who have an oblong face shape.

If you get tired of tending them, you can always upgrade to a Full Beard. Although your face shape can get pretty restrictive when it comes to that type of beard, it’s not impossible to grow one.

You should also consider growing an Anchor or a Handlebar and Chin Puff. Both of these look great on an oblong shaped face, too.

Rectangular shape

full beard beard style for rectangular face
Via pinterest

Full Goatee, Full Beard, and Chin Curtain are three options you have if your face is rectangular. We daresay the Full Beard is the best because full beards are the coolest.

An Extended Goatee requires a lot of tending. If you’re the kind of guy that runs around all day long, you might want to opt for another style. Taking care of it is really time-consuming.

A Chin Curtain is basically an extended form of the mutton chops.

Diamond shape

diamond shaped beard style balbo
Via squarespace

In this case, you have four options: Goatee, Balbo, Full Beard, and Chin Strap + Mustache. If you’re not sure yet, you can try them all out.

A Balbo, for example, can be turned into a goatee. A full beard can be turned into a chin strap. Basically, you can experiment until you find the style that fits you best.

Keep in mind that these styles require time and effort. On the bright side, you can easily take care of them using a straight razor.

The goatee is by far the easiest style to take care of. It doesn’t take much effort to do as well. You can just shave your cheeks with a few strokes of the razor.

You can also try to grow a Sparrow or Zappa. A Handlebar and Chin Puff or Anchor are great, too.

Round shape

round faced beard style
Via pinterest

Patch, Chin Strap, and Goatee are three of the styles that look good on a round face.

The patch or Soul Patch is practically not a beard, but it is apparently treated as one. If your hair grows painfully slowly, you can choose to go with the patch and just extend it to a full-blown goatee. The chin strap is pretty cool, too, and it’s actually perfect for a round face.

Bandholz is among the lushest and most amazing beards for round faces ever. It takes a lot of maintenance but it’s totally worth it.

See Also: 5 Steps to A Happy Beard


Beards are fantastic, but unless you’re having a full beard, you’ll have to make time to trim it so that it doesn’t go out of shape. In this light, the classic full beard will never be too overrated.

We hope this short guide here was of some help in your endeavor to cover your face with a glorious beard. Just keep in mind that it will necessitate a lot of care on your part.

George Olufemi .O

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