9 Excellent Ways To Use Your Cell Phone Productively


May 27, 2008   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Written on 5/27/2008 by Abhijeet Mukherjee, of Jeet Blog.

There are no two opinions about the fact that today, in this tech-savvy world, that a cell phone is not only ubiquitous but also an indispensable part of our life that most of us can hardly imagine living without. There are all kinds of cell phones available which seem to virtually bring everything into our reach. You can watch movies on your cellphone, create videos, check email, listen to your favorite songs, capture moments of your life, …the list goes on.

So today I decided to focus on this small but extremely useful device and list out certain ways which help you to use it productively and get the most out of it. I won’t talk about the entertainment quotient of a cell phone but instead some basic and useful stuff which would help you manage your life better, through your cell phone.

    1. Talking and messaging: I could not avoid it, this had to be the first one; this is the reason why mobile phones came into existence. It makes us productive by helping us to communicate in the quickest way possible. Today, a cell phone is definitely much more than talking and messaging, but still, when it comes to productivity through a cell phone, this has to be the most useful function. 
  • Store Ideas: I live in India, which is the world’s fastest growing cell phone market. The caption of a famous telecom company here, says- “An idea can change your life.” Thats very true and when you get an idea which charges you up, but you don’t have a pen and paper to write, use your cell phone to store it before your brain gets rid of it. If that is too time consuming and if you are in the US or Canada, use Jott and have it emailed to you! 
  • Track progress: Whether it is a diet, an exercise program, or saving cash, many of us have goals that we’re actively working towards. Why not use our phone to track these things instead of relying on your inefficient memory. Check out Fitday to start tracking your diet and workouts or Buxfer for tracking your spending. 
  • Pay bills: Almost all the companies which provide cell phone service allow us to pay our credit card and other bills through our cell phone. It’s a nice feature and if it is available to you, you should use it. 
  • Set Reminders: You just remembered that you have to drop that letter at the post-office tomorrow. Will you remember? Don’t take a chance, use your cell phone to set up a reminder. It’s a busy life and there is every chance you may forget the task tomorrow in the hustle and bustle of your life. 
  • Use Google Mobile: Google Mobile is an excellent set of products by Google for your cell phone and you should definitely try it out. It helps you to get the maximum out of your cellphone and further enhances your productive usage of the cell phone. 
  • One last check: Before making an in-store purchase, do a quick price check on your cell phone. Using Frucall, you can get a quick glance at what the item would cost at Amazon, Yahoo Shopping, etc. 
  • Wake Up Alarm: Simple but useful. Imagine waking up 2 hours late and missing that important event. So use the cell phone alarm either alone or to supplement your normal alarm clock. Almost all the cell phones have it and it will never ditch you ( provided you set the alarm correctly 🙂 
  • Back up your contacts: Always have a back up of your contacts and other important stuff stored in your cell phone. Remember, using a device productively also means that you are not completely dependent on it. Most of us, when lose our cell phones, cry over the lost information in it then the device itself. Hence you can avoid such situations by backing up the information before hand. 

So don’t forget to make the most of your cell phone. You’re already carrying it around with you everywhere, why not use it 🙂



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