7 Signs That You’re Living in Denial


January 14, 2019   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

We are all living in some form of denial.

People everywhere- from the online entrepreneurs in Qatar to the shoe shines in Gary, Indiana- live in denial without even knowing it.

I can’t be referring to you, can I?

If your gut feeling is saying “No way!”, then you may actually be showing the first sign of living in denial.

Denial is something that anyone and everyone is susceptible to. While it won’t kill you, it can certainly dampen your day, job, and life. Does that sound alarming?

It most definitely should and if you are starting to have doubts, here are 7 of the most important signs that you’re living in denial.

I Am Above Failure

So you think that you are somehow far too talented, hard-working or knowledgeable and that everything you touch will turn into gold?

Sorry to burst your bubble there, but w, as humans, are flawed by nature. With that, my friend, I’m afraid that you may just be living in denial if you’re thinking that way.

It’s Impossible to Take Me by Surprise

If you think that being taken by surprise is impossible if you have everything planned, then I have one questions: how is life in that fantasy world of yours treating you?

Yes, planning ahead is always recommended but thinking that you can actually prepare for absolutely everything is just plain foolish on your part.

If You Want Something Done Right, Do It Yourself

Do you think that others should never be trusted? Do you think that, if you want something done right, you should do it yourself? Aren’t you giving yourself just a little bit too much credit there?

It may just be me, but you most definitely don’t strike me as a person with his or her feet on the ground.

I’m Never at Fault

Others are always at fault, aren’t they? You keep doing everything right and they just ruin things for you, do they?

Sorry to have to say this, but not assuming responsibility is one of the most obvious signs that you are living in denial.

Everything Has an Excuse

“I’m not going to do this because…” “I would have done that, if not for…”

Do you somehow manage to find excuses for everything?

Good for you, but your attitude is yet another sign that you are simply living in a fantasy world.

Everyone Else is Wrong

Are all of the people who don’t agree with you clueless? Are they that ignorant? Can’t they understand your brilliance?

I’m sorry but, if that’s the way you see things, I am afraid that the problem lies elsewhere.

One tip: it’s not with everyone else.

It’s All One Big Conspiracy

Does it seem that everyone is working against you? Are you just a poor innocent victim in what seems to be one huge conspiracy against you?

In that case, have you considered getting some help?

No, everyone is not conspiring against you. And it’s about time you stop living in denial and start seeing how things actually stand.

Give it a little thought. Do any of these apply to you?

Written by Alan Johnson, the author of The Online Business Handbook.

See Also: 5 Ways to Find Your True Self


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