10 Ways to Enjoy a Zero-Waste Lifestyle

By Peter Davidson
August 6, 2016 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Do you want to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle?
One quite popular New Year’s resolution that is shared among the masses is the reduction of one’s carbon footprint. However, it is also one that is popularly forgotten or tossed to the side as the stresses that come along with a New Year come into play, full swing.
As we move forward into another year of technological advancements and exciting new innovations, let’s not forget about our inherent job as occupants of this great place we call home – Earth. Let us not forget that our job is to take care of our home and let us remind you (or inform you, in case you did not already know) that doing your part to protect our planet does wonders for your outlook on life.
One of the best ways to feel good about yourself is to make sure that you are pro-actively chipping in or doing your part in contributing to the preservation of the planet. Reducing your carbon footprint by living a zero waste waste lifestyle, is a great way to do your part in conserving this precious place we call home.
Here are 10 ways that you can better enjoy a low to no waste lifestyle.
One – Stop Drinking Bottled Water
Simple enough, right? In order to stop drinking bottled water all you have to do is, well, stop drinking bottled water. Easy.
Not only does ditching the plastic bottles do wonders for the environment, but it also saves you quite a bit of hassle. No more buying gallons or flats of bottles from the store and then having to lug them all the way into the house. No more filling up the recycling bin (hopefully!) with 40 empty plastic bottles a week.
Plus, were you aware that the mandates that regulate tap water are far stricter than those that oversee bottled water production? Tap water is also referred to as ‘hard water’. Bad for your appliances, yes, but great for you! That is right, ‘hard water’ indicates a high level of minerals present in the water, i.e. the ones that you pay extra money to be added to your bottled waters.
So, you are also saving money on something you were likely paying extra for before.
Two – Opt for Paperless Billing
If you have not already jumped on the paperless bandwagon, what are you waiting for? Paperless billing is so much more convenient, less cluttering for your brain and your home, and so much better for the environment than traditional paper bills (that you likely never pay via return envelope anyway).
Nearly every company today offers paperless billing that will allow you to view statements, charges, bills, etc. Anything related to the account you can view online. Pay your bills fast and easy with the simple click of a button!
Three – Stop Buying Newspapers
Staying in line with going paperless, do not forget to ditch the old fashioned newspaper and go green. Take advantage of this technologically advanced world we live in today and gain access to world news via free and paid apps or services like YipTV, which give you unlimited access to free news channels all over the world, plus they are updated by the minute. So, you can be sure that you stay informed on what matters to you, where it matters to you.
See Also: GO GREEN IN THE OFFICE: 4 guidelines for a brighter future
Four – Change Your Diet
Meat, dairy and eggs do quite a number on our environment. The meat industry in particular is responsible for 15 percent of all carbon emissions worldwide, according to conservative calculations. That equates to more than all of the cars, planes, ships and trucks in motion combined !
So, by simply adjusting your diet so that you do not support such a massive carbon footprint, you are actually doing more than you might think.
Five – Buy Local, Eat Seasonal
Buying locally grown and harvested produce is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and not only that, but also support your local small business owners. Winning! Plus, you will get fresher produce, which is way better for you, as vitamin and mineral counts decrease as fruits and veggies age.
Eating seasonally ensures that you are getting fruits and veggies from close to home and not half way across the world – literally in some cases.
Six – Buy eBooks or Take Advantage of the Library
Yes, there is something special about traditional books – the smell, the feeling you get on the tips of your fingers from turning the pages, a charming collection on your otherwise empty bookshelf. We know, but, books are generally single use items and with the amount of paper that goes into each one (which by the way, turns out is not good for the environment) that makes them quite the source of pollution.
Not only are books made of paper, which comes from trees (which we need to produce clean oxygen), but paper needs water (one gallon per standard sized sheet) to be produced and water is a precious resource.
Seven – Recycle Everything You Can
Yes, that adorable holiday card that Aunt Betty sent four months ago was one-of-a-kind, but is it really something that you need to hang onto? Probably not.
If so, though, by all means, put it in a shoe box and save it for 25-30 years; but if it is not something that you must have (say for tax purposes), you should recycle it. Not only is recycling great for the environment and also helps to reduce your carbon footprint, but recycling everything you can will ultimately declutter your home and/or office too!
See Also: How to Find a Recycling Center Near Home
Eight – Buy to Replace, Not to Possess
Purchasing to replace, not to possess, will save you a lot of money, time, effort and miles. Spend your time doing things that matter more than shopping for something that you do not need. If there is something that you do need, then try and buy second hand or from local businesses.
Nine – Drive Less, Walk More
This might seem like a no-brainer, but the impact that is to be had on emission reductions worldwide if more people walked instead of drove makes it worth the mention. Walk or ride your bike when you can, this will not only reduce your carbon footprint, but it is also good for you and will make you feel healthier and better about yourself.
If you must travel long distances, take advantage of public transportation. There is no sense in putting another car on the road if not necessary.
Ten – Eliminate Phantom Power
Meaning, hook all of your appliances and electrical necessities up to power cords to make it easy to shut them all ‘off’ when not in use. You would be surprised at how much energy your things can use by just simply being plugged in!
So, there you have it. Ten simple, yet effective ways to live life less wastefully and improve your impact on the environment.
How do you live a zero-waste lifestyle? If you have pointers on how one can reduce their carbon footprint, while improving their quality of life, then please share! We would love to hear your suggestions!

Peter Davidson
Being a senior business associate, Peter Davidson strives to help different brands and start ups to make efficient business decisions and plan effective business strategies. With years of rich domain