The 7 Biggest Mistakes That College Students Make

By James Scott
March 15, 2019 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Finally, you’re going to college.
You’ll meet new people and you’ll be exploring more ideas. Your values and perceptions will be challenged and you’ll be one step closer to preparing for your future life.
College is also a time where you are likely to commit mistakes and miss out on some really great opportunities.
To help you avoid that, here’s a quick list of the 7 things not to do in college.
Going Out Too Often
For many students, college is where you can make spontaneous plans. You can make your own schedule without the need to ask for your parents’ approval.
That, however, isn’t always a great thing.
You may face pressure from friends and roommates to go out and enjoy yourself. They’ll encourage you to stop reviewing and just go out for a night of fun.
When students give into pressure and temptations to go out too often, they usually end up low on cash, sleep-deprived, and behind on their studies.
Fortunately, a solution is available.
Rather than randomly going out on half-baked nights with pals, pick a single night each week or month where you can truly enjoy. This will make it much easier to stay in.
Skipping Classes
Let’s be honest.
If you ever attempted it, you know that skipping class in high school is a real challenge. Now, what happens when you skip class in college?
Well, nothing. There are no phone calls, lectures, and warnings.
But, that doesn’t mean there are no consequences.
Missing lectures, labs, quizzes, or simply not being there to take notes can put you behind very quickly.
So, how do you avoid the temptation?
First, avoid getting overwhelmed and exhausted. Get enough sleep and give yourself plenty of time to do your homework. Try to find other ways to give yourself a mental break when you need it.
Finally, if you must, give yourself one day per semester to take the day off. Just be prepared to get your notes ahead of time and make up for any work.
Not Reaching Out For Help
No college experience is perfect. One of the only certainties is that, at some point, you’re going to struggle with something. For some, that struggle may be academic.
You may find yourself struggling in a particular class or just unsure of where you’re headed in terms of your major.
On the other hand, you may do wonderfully with academics but struggle with homesickness and depression.
Sadly, many students make the mistake of keeping their problems to themselves rather than asking for help.
Keep this in mind.
There are people who are willing to help you if you are having troubles. There are tutors in your student learning center that are waiting for people to come to them for academic help. Your academic adviser can help you stay on the right path and your instructors can help if you are behind. There are also counselors if you are struggling mentally or emotionally.
None of those people will be annoyed or bothered if you approach them. Instead, they will be happy to apply their talents to help you.
See Also: 4 Ways To Overcome Depression Naturally
Taking Classes That Contradict With Sleep/Awake Patterns
You know you aren’t a morning person but if you take that 8 A.M. class, you’ll have all of your basic credits in. That means you can take the summer semester off.
But should you sign up for that class?
You might want to think twice.
How tired will you be and how much sleep will you lose?
Too many students sign up for early classes and then have a really hard time. If you commit to an early class and coffee isn’t enough to keep you going, your grades can really suffer.
Know your sleep patterns and energy levels. Be honest with yourself. Getting in one more class won’t do you any good if you lower your overall GPA or fail a class.
Missing Out on Student Discounts
Your student ID card might just be your ticket to tons of discounts around the campus. Restaurants, movie theaters, clothing stores- there’s a good chance that you can receive a pretty nice discount from those places.
Pay attention to your local banks and credit unions as well. Many of them offer free or reduced price checking accounts and other perks just for college students. This is a great way to establish yourself as a local banking customer and get into the habit of saving.
Ignoring Your Health And Wellness
Poor health doesn’t happen overnight. It comes incrementally.
You go to school sick when you should be resting. Skipping breakfast becomes a habit. You eat too much junk food and you indulge in a few too many beers each week. You rarely visit the gym, too.
Before you know it, you’ve put on weight. You’re depressed and anxious and you feel awful.
Don’t procrastinate.
If you’re sick or experiencing pain, deal with it immediately. Commit to eating right most of the time and always include some form of exercise in your day.
See Also: 4 Habits That Will Improve Your Focus And Destroy Procrastination
Overspending Student Aid Checks
Your tuition is paid. Now, you’re waiting for that awesome check from the school bursar. It finally arrives and you have visions of a flat screen television and the latest gaming system in your eyes.
Before you go spending, be careful!
Remember that this money is supposed to cover your expenses for the term. Even if you’re sure you can make it and earn extra money, there are a lot of things you can do with your windfall.
You can consider:
- Pay off or avoid credit card debt.
- Get needed maintenance done on your vehicle.
- Put money aside for savings.
- Start an emergency fund.
- Pay your student loan interest.
If you make it to the end of the semester, then spend the leftover money on something fun and frivolous.
Save money. Stay healthy. Get the most out of your education.
Isn’t that what most college students want? Avoid these seven screw-ups and you will accomplish those goals.

James Scott
James Scott is the proud co-founder of Essay Supply and a seasoned writer. Being a bit of an introvert, James spends his time pursuing passions that include playing the guitar and piano, watching detective movies, daydreaming, and very slowly learning to cook.