What a successful Blogger Should do “before breakfast”.

By Amy Cowen

March 7, 2015   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

A successful blogger is one that keeps blogging past the six month mark. That is where the real success lies because that is roughly how long it takes for people to burn out and to stop wanting to play with their blog anymore. It is when people start to realize they are running out of topics and that fun bit of writing starts to turn into work.

The next milestone comes at around the two year mark, and this happens because the hosting runs out and needs to be renewed. By this time the blogger has been posting infrequently and the blog has gone quiet. The time to renew comes round and either the blogger gives up or puts off renewing and forgets about it. The point of all this is that the first thing a successful blogger does is carry on being a blogger. Just one post per week is more than enough, but that one post must be entered or the blog dies because the blogger’s enthusiasm dies.

A good blogger does a to-do list for the day

The night before, a successful blogger will create a list of things to do the next day. Some people do the list the same day, but that means they lose time in the morning as they work out what needs doing. It is better to do your to-do list the night before.

The obvious question is, “What do you do if something comes up the next day?” To which the reply is that you deal with it. Your to-do list will cover all the things that blogger needs to do during the day and will help to ensure that most of it gets done. It is an efficient method of getting things done if you keep up with the list and do not let your list fall by the wayside.

A good blogger keeps an ideas journal

Creative people are supposed to keep idea journals. They are the next best thing to being a prolific thinker. Keep a note of all your ideas during the day, and the more you note them down then the more you get. If you note them down you train yourself to pay attention when an idea comes by. Your conscious mind pays attention when an idea comes and you notice that you have more. You notice that the ideas that were here one second and gone the next are suddenly here to stay and in your journal. It makes blogging a lot easier and will often inspire a number of other projects.

A dream journal can be a great idea

The first thing a blogger should do in a morning is note down as much about his or her dreams as possible. It is a good idea to keep a dream journal, or better yet to keep a Dictaphone beside the bed. That way a blogger can wake up and start talking the dream right away before it leaves his or her mind. This can be a great source of inspiration for a blogger, and just like the idea journal, it may inspire a bunch of other ideas and projects too.

Check your phone and your email

This will often tell you if something has come up for the day. The morning time is when you can make slight alterations to the plans in your day. If you were writing your full plan in the morning then that is a wasted hour. If something comes up you can slot it in your plan and it takes a minute or two the shuffle things around.

Check your comment section

The morning time is a good time to check your comment sections. Remove any spam and answer any questions that have been sent during the night. If you are the type of person that likes to engage with readers, then answering in the morning and late at night are the best times. Even if people are online in the morning, they are not going to expect a full conversation in the morning so just one answer is fine. Plus, it then gives your readers the rest of the day to read and reply on your comment section before you answer again late at night.

A blogger then continues on with the plan for the day

Getting off to a good start is always a positive way to go if you are a blogger in a morning. After doing your morning stuff, your first priority should be to nail what is the first entry on your list. Once the first entry on your list is done it is a lot easier to get the rest done. It is better to do them sequentially because if you try to multitask you will end up leaving a lot of things undone through your day. If you do them sequentially then you are more likely to get more done.

Amy Cowen

Amy Cowen is a freelance writer at AussieWriter.com and expert in a wide variety of topics, focusing mostly on content marketing strategies and bloggin

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