Six Online Shopping Tools To Help Shop Smarter

By Abhijeet Mukherjee

October 5, 2009   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Who doesn’t love shopping on Amazon and eBay and getting the products shipped to their place? E-commerce has been one of the major drivers of the internet since the world wide web began to spread its wings and online retail stores are a common phenomena today.

While it’s great to shop online and save the commute time, it sometimes becomes overwhelming to find the best deal and choose a site from the plethora of web shopping sites available. This article features certain tools and sites which aim to make online shopping easier for you. You’ll save time by using these tools, and hence become more productive.

InvisibleHand is a brilliant Firefox extension which was covered on many sites a few weeks back. The purpose of this add-on is to let you know the availability of the particular product in some other online store which may be offering it at a lower price.

It pops up a small notification bar just below the browser tabs to show you better offers from other retailers. It takes into consideration over 50 major retailers in US and UK.

Alice provides a great way to organize your household shopping by helping you choose from a number of household products, get bargain deals on them, and set up reminders to let you know that you are running out of the item and you need to buy it.

It offers free shipping and good support options via toll free numbers and live chat assistance.

MyThings comes into the picture after you’ve bought the product and got the receipt. You can forward that email receipt to your MyThings account email address and it will track and organize the purchases you’ve made.

It also provides valuable information about electronic items like manuals, product recall alerts, warranty expiration alert, tips and much more. Taken further, you can use this as a way to track possessions for insurance purposes.

Being the biggest online retailer, Amazon’s got various tools built on its API that enable consumers to have a better shopping experience on this site. Amazanian is one such tool and provides a cleaner and better search interface for Amazon.

This tool provides a huge number of options to search and compare products and their reviews on Amazon. A must use tool when you plan to shop on this site.

If you are planning to buy an electronic gadget and can’t decide on the brand then Kallow is the perfect site for you. It provides a single recommendation for all categories of gadgets and the corresponding Amazon buy link. The recommendation is by the site’s owners Jordan and Caleb who have already done in-depth research on the category and have come out with the best product for you.

DealLinker aggregates the best deals and bargains from sites like Fat Wallet and saves you the time you would take to scour for bargains on the web. It reports up-to-date deals and lets you sort them using various parameters. Certainly a must visit site if you want to save some money on your online purchase.



Written on 10/05/2009 by Abhijeet Mukherjee. Abhijeet is an internet entrepreneur who loves writing about tech, productivity, blogging & making money online. Catch him at Jeet Blog and also subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Photo Credit: mcmorgan08


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