Searching Podcast Content


September 6, 2006   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

So we have heard all about podcasts right? Well, now there is a way to search the actual content of podcasts. No, not the titles of podcasts, I am talking about searching the words spoken during podcasts.

Podzinger provides you with a simple search box and let’s you look for the content you need. So, for the fun of it, I searched for “Dumb Little Man” and sure enough, it showed a Kevin Devin podcast that contained our name. They talked about our post, “20 Ways to get Promoted in IT“. In fact, it was the first (and only I think) podcast that specifically talked about our site.

A comment at Download Squad claims that Podscope has been doing this for over a year but after 5 tries at searching for “Dumb Little Man” is never ever gave me a result. In fact, the site is totally stalled and I can only wait for so long. As far as I am concerned, Podzinger is the way to go until proven otherwise.

Still waiting…

Technorati Tags: Podzinger, Podcast

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