Is Your Life Complete? 5 Tips for Living a Fulfilled, Complete Life


January 25, 2008   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Goals are an important part of it, but so are personal and professional relations, passions and desires. For almost everyone, living a complete life is an ongoing process – every day we take steps or perform tasks that help us achieve the goals and desires we have set forth in our life.

It’s very easy to live life – to go through the motions – without living fulfilled. Far too many of us are getting up every day and we don’t have a passion or purpose in what we do. We’ve lost track of our life goals and are not sure how to get back on the path towards living a fulfilled life.

So how do we get back on track in our lives? Or if we already are on track, what are some of the tips that can help keep us on track? I’ve compiled a list of 5 areas that you can focus on that can help you achieve living a fulfilled and complete life.

  1. Turn Your Desires and Wants into Goals
    We all have desires and wants in our life. For some of us it can be a desire to be able to retire early, for others we may have a want to get the latest BMW. For many people they have a desire to make sure that they leave behind a legacy of doing well in both their personal and professional lives.

In order to achieve your wants and desires, set up goals for yourself. In fact, many people find that by having goals – and milestones to achieving that goal – that they have the motivating power to actually make it happen. Setting up goals gives you the purpose for getting up in the morning and helps fuel the drive to succeed. Make sure your goals are achievable by breaking them down into smaller steps. Then celebrate each time you achieve one of the steps towards the larger goal!

  • Turn Your Goals into Habits
    Now that you have defined your goals, or better yet you have achieved them, don’t step there! Turn those goals into habits. If your goal was to finish your college education then make it a habit – make education a part of your everyday life by always learning and doing. If your goal was to get rid of the clutter in your life then make sure you don’t stop once you have achieved it or else the clutter will find its way back into your life! 

Habits help us continually achieve goals and even help take small goals and transform them into larger ones. For instance, if you have achieved your goal of reducing your energy and water usage help others see the benefits of doing so as well – expand your goal by making it your habit! People learn by seeing others do.

  • Track Your Progress and Celebrate Your Accomplishments
    If you remember, I said that in order to make your goals achievable to break them down into smaller steps and celebrate each step as you achieve it. It’s important that we recognize the progress we make in our lives – and that our friends and family make in theirs. It’s positive reinforcement and it is one of the most crucial ingredients in leading a happy, fulfilled life. 

Celebrate accomplishments and use the momentum from achieving that milestone as the catalyst to propel you towards the next milestone! You will find that soon you have developed a positive self-feeding cycle in your life and you will be able to achieve anything you put your mind to!

  • Watch Out For the Negatives
    How many of us limit ourselves by listening to old, outdated and just plain wrong advice and conventions? When people tell you that you can’t do something because you haven’t done X or Y first, just smile and tell them “Thanks, but I think I’ll give it a shot!” Never limit yourself or your beliefs. 

It seems that in life people are always more apt to listen to those who want to spread the negative emotions and thoughts around than they are those who want to spread around the message of “Yes you can!” Learn how to overcome those who want to be held back by old, outdated beliefs and propel yourself forward knowing that you can do something if you work hard at it.

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, didn’t believe in the old belief at the time that IBM didn’t do business with small companies – and look at where he is now!

  • Keep Your Mind Open Change
    We should always make sure that we have an open mind and learn that change happens and sometimes we need to modify our desires or goals. This doesn’t mean you should give up on something because you think it is too hard to achieve, but rather you should be open for new ways of achieving that goal or modifying the goal to take advantage of advanced in technology, science and the world around us. 

Successful people know that change is part of life – and that change does not, as many people believe, happen suddenly but rather is a gradual process that takes place every minute of the day. By being aware of the change that happens around them they can better focus their goals and desires to take advantage of change instead of being surprised by it.

Are you preparing to bring fulfillment to your life? Use this list as guide then watch as change starts to happen around you. People will notice when you change your attitude and outlook, and when they do it is almost viral – they begin to change theirs as well! Before you know it, not only are you living a full, complete life but you also were the catalyst for others to find fulfillment in their lives as well!

Written by David B. Bohl of Slow Down Fast.


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