How Do I Get Him To Text Me Instead Of Me Texting Him All The Time?
By Jay White
November 15, 2018 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Whenever you’re dating someone new, you’ve probably noticed what most people in new relationships feel: It’s always you who’s starting conversations. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it can feel a bit one-sided at some point.
Here’s how to get a guy to text you first:
Stop Texting Him First
If you’re the one who always initiates conversation, you’re letting him know that you’ll always be there. Stop messaging him all the time if it looks like you’re being taken for granted.
Of course, you might not hear from him immediately, but this gives him the chance to message you first. You definitely want to keep busy while you’re trying to make this work. Even if your mind can’t stop thinking about the fact that you’re not talking, don’t give in!
Don’t Be Available At All Times
By this, we mean you shouldn’t drop everything to reply to him or be available 24/7. Take some time before replying. Keep an active social life and don’t just wait by your phone or computer for him to reply.
When he realizes he has to compete, he should make more of an effort to get hold of you. Finally, you should make sure your conversations have a clear end. Let him know you’re going to sleep or work and he’ll have to catch you later.
Now, you don’t want to ignore him outright. If he makes a serous effort to contact you, calls or even shows up on your door, you’ll want to answer with your brightest smile.
Leave Him Wanting More
This definitely ties in to ending the conversation. If you know how to end the conversation with something witty or with a promise of another discussion that piques his interesting, he’ll have no choice but to message you first next time.
The same idea works if you’re talking about yourself. Hint at a great story or something a little naughty that he might want to know, but don’t give it away right away. Make him ask questions and become more engaged in the conversation with your mysterious allure.
Jay White
I started Dumb Little Man many years ago so great authors, writers and bloggers could share their life "hacks" and tips for success with everyone. I hope you find something you like!