The Friday Finale
April 25, 2008 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man
Several years ago I made a vow to stop working on the weekends. This was done for two main reasons: to clear out my brain from the previous week and spend totally uninterrupted time my family.
It’s gone well but I feel guilty every weekend because I am fairly certain that many of you are looking for new stuff to read – regardless of my little vow.
Therefore, in hopes of satisfying two of the passions in my life, I am starting the Friday Finale. Yes, the name is very, very lame but I was at a loss for something better; suggestions are welcome.
These Friday afternoon posts will contain interesting or fun articles that I happened upon over the last week along with a bit of commentary. For the most part, the articles I reference will pertain to the theme of this blog so don’t expect anything too crazy. Nevertheless, they will will be timely and something most of you should enjoy.
So, there is your explanation. Here are the goods for this week. Feel free to discuss in the comments.
Found from Around the Web:
- Are your sleep habits making you fat, nasty and dumb? – Solid article explaining what the lack of sleep actually does to you.
- Water, Water Everywhere and Not a Drop To Drink – Article explains that bottled water was once a status symbol and how it is now a symbol of crass consumption. Where do you stand on this? Is it time for a boycott on bottled water?
- 20 Eye-Catching Pieces of ‘Recycled’ Urban Furniture: Geeky and Green Adaptive Reuse Design Projects – This is simply cool and a must see for anyone wanting to get creative with recycling. Related
- Where the truth lies – Interesting study, quoting: “The results were that no one participant was able to falsify emotions perfectly. Odd or out-of-place expressions—such as smirking or rapid blinking in a supposedly sad face—were more likely to show up when the participant was attempting to be deceptive.“
- Retirement Planning Checklist: 43 Tasks to Get You Ready! – #31 is a great point; I know a lot of people that retired early and freaked out shortly after.
- How to Start Meditating: 10 Important Tips – Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Meditation can do wonders to calm your life. If you have been procrastinating on this one, here are some good tips that will get you started. Related
- How to Prepare Healthy Meals Faster than You Can Order Takeout– Read this and ‘get it’ to be on your way to increasing your health and saving some time.
- How Likable Are You? – You know those people with the constant sparkle in their eye, the ones liked by everyone? Why can’t I be that guy? Is there a trick to it?
At this time last year on DLM:
- Let’s Fine Tune Your Resume– Compilation of handy sites to review when it’s time to update that resume.
- 10 Things you Better Know When an Aging Parent Falls Ill– Self explanatory title isn’t it?
- So How Fat are your Kids? – Story about a trip the the grocery store and how parents need to do more to reinforce healthy eating habits in their children.
That’s it. Have a great weekend everyone. Spend time with those you care about, stay out of trouble and get outside even if it’s raining!