Effective Use of Technology: 7 Ways To Use Internet To Your Advantage

By Rohan Bhardwaj

June 26, 2019   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

effective use of technology

How do you guarantee the effective use of technology?

You are living in the technology boom era. And every day, you use things which were unimaginable 20 years back.

Often, you might have read about how technology is too fast-paced and the innocence is lost along the way. Surely, there are things where you and I need to adjust and take precautions, but technology is a boon in many ways.

It boils down to the fact of how you see and use it. To help you, here are seven ways to ensure effective use of technology.

Fact Check

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Fake news is everywhere and it is easy to spread the propaganda, thanks to WhatsApp. However, at the same time, checking something is also easier than ever.

A simple Google search can help you check if something is legit or not. You can look at the news website or specific dedicated websites on bursting such myths. Make it a habit to fact check things before sharing them with your friends and family.

Being aware and responsible goes a long way. And technology has only made it easier.

Online Learning

When you think about it, learning has never been more accessible. With the age of the internet, you are reading this article probably on a smartphone with an internet connection.

And it’s enough to learn almost anything.

There are endless resources available on multitudes of things. You can even have access to scholarships for physical training. In a nutshell, now is the best time for education because you are not limited by anything if you have access to technology.

Read Books

Reading books has been a physical affair. But now, you are not limited to books which you can carry.

Enter the digital age where you can literally put in thousands of books on your phone. You can take and read them almost everywhere.  Also, it is better to keep things organized while reading. It’s so amazing, it feels like a superpower.

Write Your Ideas

Ideas flow and they can strike anytime. Sometimes, when you are traveling and thinking about some incident, like an epiphany, an idea can come.

It can be related to anything– business ideas, relationship goals or some good thought. You can write those ideas down almost at that moment with the use of certain apps. That way, you can be sure that your precious thought won’t be lost in the process.

Make Change Happen

You have so much opportunity to make a dent in the universe, particularly your community.

With the help of technology, you can connect with people who are leading towards a cause and you can join in. You can also try giving advice via community options. Technology has made it easier to search, connect, and make change happen.

For example, if you want to give back to the community, you can simply search NGO’s around you and connect to them via email. Soon, you can help them in their vision and make change happen.

With the internet, technology, and digital growth, the pace and effectiveness of such actions have become better.

Get Creative

writing college paper

Earlier, following your passion meant you need to leave your job and struggle. And failing meant losing almost everything.

Unless you were lucky, it was a costly affair to pursue your passion. And things could get worse when you have to try different things to find your purpose.

Thanks to technology, there is an easier way to test different things now. For example, if you want to become a writer, there are tons of available resources that can help you out.

Help Others

When you are given power, its best use is to help someone. The Internet offers tons of opportunities for you to do that. It makes it easy to reach anyone and comment on their work.

Apart from being a critic and helping them, you can also guide many people in a niche where you are an expert in. You can do that through community forums or sites like Quora.

You already had the superpower, now with the internet, you can take it to the next level. Let it unleash and help others.

See Also: How Technology Can Help You Lead A Better Life


There are many other ways you can positively use technology. However, these are some powerful and essential things you can do.

The underlying principle is the same – when you are given power, you have to use it responsibly.

Indeed, the internet has several helpful uses. Let me know which is the most useful for you, or if you have something even better. Let’s connect.

Rohan Bhardwaj

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