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Digital Camera Purchase Advice (for beginners)

One of the things that has preventing me from upgrading my (2004) decent Canon digital camera is that I haven’t kept up with the technology. As camera’s have advanced and the megapixels have increased, my appetite for studying the dozens of models hasn’t. So last month I did a fair amount of homework and I finally made a purchase.

Listen, I am no photo-pro or a wannabe that wants to submit photos to anyone hoping for a paycheck. My needs were simple – I needed something for pictures of the kids, their sports practice, etc. Regardless of your intentions, here are a few tips that really stood out to me and helped. Know that most of these came from simply talking to people that knew more than me.

As I said, I am still not an expert. I am just a guy that did some homework. Here are a handful of links that I found buried on the internet that you should add to the list of recommended reading before dropping a paycheck on a camera.

How to Buy a Digital Camera – A 9 Step Guide

25 things you must know before buying digital camera
Digital Cameras: The Top 10 Things You Need to Know
Buying a Digital Camera Help and Tips

Through all of this, the item that killed me is that Megapixels and Digital Zoom are labeled in bold on brilliantly designed decals on a ton of cameras. In fact, I would challenge you to ask the Best Buy guy what these really mean. I’d bet you result will be the same – -” the more the better”. Based on my study, that’s absolutely false.

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