9 Things You Can Do To Make Changing Devices A Breeze

October 17, 2016 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

If you work remotely for a corporation, you will be required to get a new computer and phone almost every year. This is a part of a lot of organizations’ standard operating procedures to help ensure their security and development.
If you are looking for ways to make the transition a lot easier and more efficient, here are a few ideas you can use when changing devices.
1. Put it on your calendar
Organizations generally have policies about when their employees need to get a new laptop. Most of them require upgrading devices every two to three years.
Find out what your company’s policy is and add the date to your calendar. For convenience, you can set a reminder two months before the actual due date.
2. Keep track
Setting a reminder two months prior to the actual due date will give you enough time to prepare. Use this time to create a list of all the software you have on your laptop. You can also take screenshots.
Documenting everything can make transferring software to your new device a lot easier.
3. Create a back-up
It is always a good idea to backup your files on a regular basis, particularly if you know you have to frequently change devices.
Aside from backing up your data files, you should also keep a record of your e-mails, calendar, contacts and favorites. Although most companies provide a way to transfer data to new devices, having your own copy can give you added security.
4. Clean-up
If security is important to your organization, they will have a process to ensure corporate data is deleted from your device. You should also do the same thing on your end.
Check for vital information that may be stored on your computer and delete as necessary. Clean up your browser history and any other confidential information.
5. Plan around the transition
If you have the option to choose when you need to change devices, it’s a good idea to have it done before you go on vacation. Shipping your old device to your company and waiting for the new one to arrive can take around 3 to 4 business days.
I have sent my laptop back to my company while I was on a vacation and when I got back, I had my new laptop ready with the software I needed to load on it. I did speak to tech support prior to my vacation and provided them with the list of software.
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6. Inform your team
If you are not going to have your laptop for a few days, you will need to work off of your cell phone. E-mail yourself some of the documents you will need for the next five business days or save them to your online storage drive.
You should also inform your team that you are changing devices.
See Also: Using Technology to Organize Your Life Without Paper
7. Check programs
Once you get your new laptop, you need to confirm if all the software you need are loaded properly. Install your printer and scanner driver and make sure that your Wi-Fi setting is configured properly. Customize your new laptop to make it more efficient for your work.
8. List down passwords
Saving your passwords in your browser can save you a lot of time. Despite its convenience, however, it’s really not that helpful when you’re transitioning between devices. Since your passwords are already stored, it’s relatively easy to forget them in the long run.
One way to address this is to create an excel sheet with all your accounts and passwords. Because they are already in a list, you won’t have to reset your accounts just to access them again.
Some companies invest on password managers as they offer more security compared to an Excel spreadsheet. The most popular password managers are LastPass and 1Password.
9. Ask for help
If you have a tech support team, make sure you reach out to them if you have any questions or clarifications. They have the skills and knowledge about handling technical problems. They should be able to assist you well when it comes to changing devices.

I am a working mother and a remote worker. I’ve been part of a fortune 100 company for 20 years and have been working remotely for the past six years. There are challenges we face as remote employees. I have heard it from team members within my organization and employees working in other organizations. I am hoping to make a difference by creating local communities and an online community where we can share our challenges and how to overcome them in a positive manner. It is not about what is wr