7 Smart Ways to Exercise At Work
By Monique Craig
January 26, 2016 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Many will find that desk jobs mark the end of their perfect stomach. Sitting around won’t boost your heart rate, and your lunches will start to turn into inches around your waistline. The occasional plate of donuts in the breakroom aren’t helping, either. But how much can you possibly move when the majority of your work involves staying still? You may be surprised. Thinking outside of the box and taking simple steps can help keep you in shape.
1. Walk for your lunch
Packing a lunch is the best way to manage your diet, but it won’t help you burn any calories. If there’s a great place to grab a bite a few blocks from the office, get on your feet. You’ll appreciate the breath of fresh air and brief change of scenery, and you’ll also be able to move around a little bit. Just make sure you’re ordering off of the light and fit menu, or you’ll be doing more harm than good.
2. Skip the elevator
If you don’t have boxes of paperwork to carry, what’s stopping you from taking the stairs? It may take you a little bit longer, but think about what you’re getting in return. People pay good sums of money on exercise machines that duplicate the workout that comes from climbing stairs, and the stairs at your office are free for you to use.
3. Do things face to face
Instead of sending an email to someone in the same office, why don’t you get up and personally make an inquiry, deliver papers, or spread the news? You may not have to walk very far, but at least you’ll get to walk. You’ll also experience the added benefit of a personal interaction, which can improve your relationships in the workplace.
4. Maximize your wait
If you have a lot to print or copy, you’re going to be waiting for a while. Instead of staring at the wall, flex your muscles a little bit. Wall sits, calf raises, and squats don’t require any additional equipment. While you have a few moments to spare, spend them productively.
5. Exercise under the desk
While you’re sitting, what are you doing with your legs? They’re probably just dangling there. Leg raises are simple exercises. Raise your leg from the floor as high as you can get it, hold it for fifteen seconds, and switch. If you’re looking to up the ante, you can always strap on some ankle weights.
6. Stand instead of sitting
If you’re trapped in a meeting for a long time, try standing in the back. You’ll be able to use the wall to do muscle strengthening lean exercises, and most of them are so subtle that they won’t distract your coworkers. On average, standing burns slightly more calories than sitting. Sacrificing your chair is a small price to pay for counteracting a few sugars in your coffee.
7. Volunteer to move
Things need to be brought back and forth all the time. Someone has to run out to get the coffee, pick up lunch, or deliver something downtown. Volunteer yourself. If you welcome errands, you’ll still be valuable and productive, because you’re doing things that need to get done. You’ll also experience less confinement, and have the opportunity to get more active.
Unless your office has a gym facility, chances are slim that you’ll be able to get a full workout in while you’re at work. Make sure to stick to healthy choices outside of the office for maximum results. You’ll only benefit from putting your health first, and it all starts with small changes.
Monique Craig
Monique Craig is an employee at Oneflare, a reliable online marketplace from Australia. In her free time, Monique enjoys reading self-improvement books and learning more about new technologies.