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5 Little Secrets for Turning Fear into Your Loyal Servant

Fear is misunderstood.

We learn that fear is bad, and happiness is good. We run away from fear and toward happiness. But what is fear, if not a few sensations in the body coupled with a few thoughts?

We are the creators of our own fear, yet we believe we are the fear. We put up filters that we see the world through, and we get these filters from our experiences in life. We form meaning from them, and we approach the world through them.

If someone had bad experiences in life, they will see the world as bad, unless they choose not to. Easier said than done. You are not your fear is the message I want you to get from this article.

  1. Welcome
    When fear arises, simply welcome it. Most people try to push it away, they resist fear, and they want to get rid of it. This causes friction and it makes it worse. I bet you’ve tried this. How has it been working out so far? Not so well, right?

You might want to try something new, so try the opposite. Embrace the fear, and allow it to be what it is.

Fear may seem scary but that is because we’ve put the label fear on it. If we remove the label, fear is just sensations and energy moving in your body. From that we make up our own conclusions and fuel it by creating horror stories of what has been and what might be.

You can change the way you live your life. It can happen consciously, or it can happen unconsciously. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that it feels right for you.

How could you not? It is what you enjoy, so how could you not take action and move through the fear?

Most people let fear stop them. They believe fear is real, but it isn’t. I know it may feel real, but just observe it, welcome it, and let it be there, and notice what happens.

Just for today, I’d like to suggest an experiment.

What I want you to do is observe your feelings and thoughts during the day. Notice that they live their own life. You cannot predict what thought will pop in your head, so just observe what goes on, and notice that you are not your thoughts, nor are you your emotions.

It’s a radical perspective, but it will free you from the suffering that so many are trapped in. you can be free, but you have to step out of the box you’ve created for yourself.

Written on 2/15/2012 by Henri Junttila. Henri writes at Wake Up Cloud, where he shares his personal tips on how you can live the life you know you deserve. When you feel ready to take action, get his free course: How to Find Your Passion (And Build a Business Around It). Photo Credit: StewC
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