4 Ways To Spend Time With Yourself And Get Away From The World
By Kairavi Raju
August 18, 2014 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man
To begin with, there are only 4 points. People tend to read articles with many points so that they can continuously discover what’s wrong with them and change it ASAP. Those sessions ultimately waste the rest of the day, and pretty much the next few too. So here are 4 basic and simple ‘must adopt’ points that will help you feel more cozy around yourself.
1. Write a journal. Why? Because you can write your heart out and no one gets to know how you are feeling. Cry, laugh, move back in time, or forward, ponder over a thought or a feeling. Write it out! You could use free apps such as ‘Day one’ (App Store) and ‘Day Journal’ (Google Play) that are fast, easy to use and secure.
2. Read a book you used to when you were a child. For e.g.- Enid Blyton’s Famous Five, Roald Dahl’s James and The Giant Peach or Gerald Durrell’s- My Family and Other Animals. You will go back to when you were just another kid who was free of all life’s complexities. If not your childhood, pick any time of your life you felt genuinely happy and blend it in with your present.
3. Write for a site like this. You’re not only helping other people, but are probably solving your own problems simultaneously. When we overthink about our problems, we tend to lose the strategy to solve it. But when you want to help others like yourself, in order to show them the right path, you discover your own right one too.
4. Feel like a boss (Even if you aren’t one)- You are the boss of your own life. Start completing targets, feel smart. On your way to school/college/office, grab a Starbucks or a muffin (or a simple fruit). Think about what you have to achieve today and make a game plan on your way. Stick by it and feel proud that you did it! Now go back home and relax and plan for the next day. Continue doing this and in the long run, it will boost your confidence and make you more resistant to the world. Limit the use of social networking sites so that you are not distracted by what others are achieving because this is completely about you. Try and contribute to your home,institution, city, state, country, continent and the world. You’ll feel active and productive.
Adopt these, and you will accept yourself better. Once that is done, you will stop bothering about others and just live for yourself, shutting out rest of the world and feeling more complete and independent.