5 Smart Tips to Get More Organized For Your Moving Day

By Armela Escalona

February 2, 2016   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

You just bought a brand new house. Congratulations!

The thoughts of moving to a new home can be exciting, stressful and tiring at the same time. Whatever your reason is (marriage, annulment, work, school); you are up for a big change in your life.

Goodbye old neighbors, goodbye street, goodbye things you previously hated about your old apartment. Sometimes, we’re all so caught up about the excitement of starting a new life somewhere that we don’t make much time to prepare ourselves for one of the most important part – the moving day.
Here are 5 smart tips you should read before you pack your bags and make the move.

1. Don’t Box the Day Before Your Move

Give it a lot of day allowance at least three, or better yet a week before. This will help you leave more time for organization. Keeping this in mind will allow you not to rush the boxing process and risk leaving out important things or bringing junk you don’t need.

2. Set a Packing Area At Your Current Home

This have to be spacious area where you can transfer everything you want to bring for your move. In this area you will keep the boxes, packing materials, along with the sorting materials to help make the boxing process faster and more convenient. You can use an old room, the garage or a roofed area in your backyard.

3. Decide Which Things You’ll Keep, Sell /Donate , or Throw

Things you regularly used should be kept. While things that you haven’t used for more than six months should either be sold or donated. Broken things that are way past fixing should be thrown away. So you won’t miss packing the essentials, begin by packing the things you seldom use and pack the important things last. Invest in boxes that will protect your things better and make moving much easier.

4. Box according to Room, Size and Kind.

All bath towels should go together, same as plates, kitchen utensils, and living room decors. Don’t forget to label each box on top and either size so you don’t have to move boxes all the time during the unpacking. Use bright colored labels for boxes and assign different colors for each room or member of the family. This strategy wills save time and energy when it’s time to unpack and put things in your new home.

5. Inform Movers About Heavy Items

If you’re bringing in a grand piano or a two door fridge, make sure you talked to your movers before the moving day. This will help them prepare, have the proper equipments available and avoid additional charges for you. There are many moving services you can contact online for fast and easy moving. This will not only save you time and effort, but also cost of doing the move all by yourself.

The key to a smart move is preparation and organization. So don’t let the pressure get your nerves during your moving day. Follow these tips, and make your moving day fun, exciting and memorable!

Armela Escalona

Armela is a freelance journalist who loves covering stories related to career, self-growth, and productivity. Aside from writing, her interest includes poetry, chess, and history documentaries. Connect with her on Twitter @ArmelaE

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