10 Quick Ways to Give Yourself a Motivational Boost
By Ali Luke
October 5, 2012 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Everyone has trouble with motivation.
Sometimes you need to get something done, but it just isn’t happening.
That’s when you need a motivational boost.
But remember, there are no quick fixes.
In the end, you have to be the one to take the first step.
There are things that can help, however, and today, we’ll cover 10 of them.
- Focus on the End ResultWhatever you’re working on has a purpose. Even if the process is boring or frustrating, the end result is worth having.Think how useful it’ll be to have all your files organized. Remember that getting a newsletter out to your clients will bring in new sales and repeat business.
- Take a BreakSometimes, your motivation wanes because you’ve been working too hard for too long.
Take a break.Even a few minutes away from your computer can help you unwind. This is also a great way to recover a sense of perspective, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand.
- Go for a WalkOne of the best ways to take a break is to go for a walk.Even a five-minute walk helps. You’ll get your body moving and your blood pumping, and you’ll return to your work feeling re-energized.
- Write a Task ListSometimes, your motivation might take a nosedive because you’ve got so much on your plate, you don’t know where to begin.Write a task list for the rest of the day. Get everything out of your head and onto paper. It’ll only take a few minutes – and everything will look much more manageable.
- Race Against the ClockStruggling with a tedious task? Challenge yourself to work faster.Aim to clear your inbox in just 30 minutes. Push yourself to sort that huge stack of files in under an hour. Set a timer, and try to beat it.
- Talk to a FriendFriends are a great source of support. A quick chat online or on the phone can give you a genuine motivation boost.If you’re struggling with your diet or exercise plan, call a friend and tell them. If you’re having doubts about your freelance design work, talk to other designers. Remind yourself of the value of what you’re doing.
- Drink a Glass of WaterAre you drinking enough water?Mild dehydration makes it hard to stay focused – so if your concentration levels are dipping, grab a tall glass of water.
- Alternate Between Two TasksGot several big tasks to tackle? Pick two and alternate between them: work on one for ten – fifteen minutes, then the other, and so on.This helps keep you moving (if you’ve only got ten minutes, you’ll focus better than if you’ve got two hours) and stops you from getting bored with doing the same thing endlessly.
- Tackle an Easy TaskIf your motivation is low in general, do something easy. Get one simple task knocked off your list.That might be sending an email, making a phone call, sorting out a niggling problem with your computer – anything that takes under fifteen minutes. If it’s something you’ve been putting off, you’ll feel great that you’ve finally got it done.
- Write Down What You’ve Already AccomplishedPerhaps you feel like you’re not making much progress towards your goals. If so, get a piece of paper and write down everything you’ve already accomplished.Maybe you’ve started working for yourself, gathered some testimonials from people you worked with in the past, and found your first client. Those are genuine, big achievements – writing them down will remind you how far you’ve already come.
What do you do when you need a motivation boost? Add your tips in the comments below…
Written on 10/5/2012 by Ali Luke. Ali is a writer of fiction and non-fiction and a writing coach. She blogs about writing on her site, Aliventures.com, and has a free ebook “How to Find Time For Your Writing” available when you join her writing newsletter here. | Photo Credit: Xavi |