10 Awesome Websites To Check Before You Travel This Holiday Season

By Abhijeet Mukherjee

December 10, 2008   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Christmas is ahead and so is the holiday season. This is the time when people start packing their bags and gear up for a nice holiday with family and friends. And this is also the time when almost everyone of us finds it hard to plan and organize things in the right way. Whether it is finding the right hotel, booking flights or making a checklist of things to carry, everything seems to take too much of time and effort.

Keeping that in mind, I decided to list ten pretty cool websites which help you in planning and organizing things in a better manner, thereby making your travel hassle free and enjoyable. Previously, I’ve mentioned a list of seven general travel websites which could be of great help to any traveler. But this list, as you will see, is different. It’s comprised of cool, free, mostly unusual websites which not everyone knows about. I hope you enjoy reading about them and then trying them out.

Tripeedo is an amazing site which makes finding airfares an easy task. It has a simple search bar where you can type the destination and date and it does the rest. It gives you a preview of information it has gathered from different travel providers like Kayak and Travelocity and then you can choose the one you want and check the fares immediately.

Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush
Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush is another cool website which makes the task of making a holiday checklist a cakewalk. You can just check the items you want and easily print out a holiday checklist without the need to type long sentences. It also allows you to set email reminders for important stuff.

Traveas allows you to track information such as the status of your flight and other related information on your cellphone. It alerts you by sending an SMS in case your flight gets delayed or canceled. Hence it’s another nice app to save you time and frustration during the hustles and bustles of your journey from home to airport.

SeeYourHotel uses Google Maps to locate the hotel you want and then get a glimpse of its rooms. When you find a hotel on the map, just click on it and you get a box with various options including the option to book the hotel. Great app to find and locate good hotels.

Travel Guides Free
As the name indicates, Travel Guides Free (US and Canada only) provides free travel guides which can be received free by mail or downloaded to your computer. It certainly could be of great help to those traveling to and within the US and Canada.

Wanna get the best and the most comfortable seats on your next flight ? Then SeatGuru is just for you. As they mention, it is ” the ultimate source for airplane seating, in-flight amenities and airline information. ” Another tool to make your journey a pleasurable one.

ATMLocator helps you locate cash dispensers in almost every country and location. It is a service provided by Visa, can be accessed from your cellphone and you can even get a map view of the location of ATM. So next time you run out of cash in a location which is not familiar, then use this service to locate an ATM nearby.

World Taximeter
World Taximeter gives you the estimate of the fare of a taxi ride in major cities around the globe. So if you want to prevent yourself from getting duped by a greedy cabbie then make sure you check the fares beforehand if you are travelling to a destination listed on the site.

Sleeping In Airports
A perfect site for travelers on a budget (I’m sure a lot of you would be considering the recession) and plan to have an overnight stay at the airport. SleepingInAirports provides airport sleeping tips and the best airports to consider for the free overnight stay.

Drive Pricing
Drive Pricing does a good job calculating the gas cost if you intend to go for a road trip in the US. Hence you can use this site if you can’t decide between a road trip and air travel and want to find out which one would cost you less.



Written on 12/10/2008 by Abhijeet Mukherjee. You can catch him at Jeet Blog where he blogs about different Web 2.0 apps a nd online tools and how they can help you become more productive. Photo Credit: agahran
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