8 Success Habits of Wealthy People That Cost Nothing

By Janet Miller

May 30, 2016   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

habits of wealthy people

Do you know the habits of wealthy people? Have you ever looked at rich and successful individuals and wanted to be like them one day?

There are eight habits most wealthy people share that have helped them enormously along the way. Find out what they are.

1. They Wake Up Early

waking up early

Most, if not all, wealthy people are early risers, and that is no coincidence. Successful people recognize the value of waking up early. Billionaire Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin brand, is a strong advocate of waking up early.

There’s evidence to back his claims. Take the 2008 study, conducted at the University of North Texas, for instance. The study concluded that students who woke up early were more likely to get better grades than their late-rising counterparts.

This could be because when you wake up early, you have more time to plan your day, and even get a few things done, before you’ve even had your breakfast. And getting an early start on your day will give you the boost you need to be optimistic and highly productive.

2. They Never Stop Learning

never stop learning

In this technology-driven world that we live in, the day you stop learning is the day you become obsolete. Whether you’re an entrepreneur working toward expanding your business, or an employee of a multi-national company looking to climb up the corporate ladder, your willingness to keep updating yourself is what will help you become successful.

Make it a point to learn something new every day. Not only will it help you expand your knowledge, constantly learning will also keep you aware of all that’s changing in the world around you.

And when you are aware, you can easily adapt to suit market trends and shifts without any fear of being left behind.

See Also: The One Trick That Will Help You Become Wealthy

3. They Set Themselves Short-Term Goals

Long-term goals are all well and good but short-term goals are what really affect your daily productivity levels. In order to achieve your long-term goal, you need a definite path to follow. And that is where short-term goals come in. They put you on the right track, helping you to achieve your long-term goal in an efficient manner.

4. They Work out

work out

Successful people tend to have a very disciplined workout routine. They work out, not just to be physically fit, but also to recharge their minds, getting themselves ready to face the day ahead. Bill Gates spends an hour every morning on the treadmill. Marx Levchin, co-founder of Paypal, prefers cycling to burn calories.

Pick a work out regime, be it yoga or running, or even rock climbing, and make it a point to follow a strict schedule. You will see that your mind and body transform bringing about a positive change in you.

5. They Have A Daily To-Do List

Ever found yourself chasing an important deadlin, wondering where all the time went? The rich don’t have that problem.

Wealthy people know that time is money which is why they practice writing up a daily to-do list. A to-do list helps you to organize and plan your day in advance, prioritizing your tasks.

Most importantly, it helps deter procrastination. And that is why a to-do list is such a powerful tool in the corporate world.

As you tick off each task that you complete, you get a sense of accomplishment which then propels you to work harder to achieve your ultimate goal.

6. They Value Their Employees

Successful people know that it’s the people around them that have helped them achieve their dreams. If you take a look at a company with a great employee retention rate, you can safely assume that that company treats its employees really well. This includes giving them good benefits and other incentives, as well as treating them as valued assets to the company.

It goes without saying that when you treat your employees right, they in turn will treat your customers right. And that is the secret to building a successful business empire.

7. They Don’t Watch Television

habits of wealthy people

Bet you didn’t imagine that this would be one of the habits of wealthy people.

The television is referred to as the idiot box for a reason. Josephine Fairley, a journalist for the Telegraph, states that most of the successful people that she’s interviewed over the years simply don’t watch TV. Not sitting in front of the television frees up so much of your time, time that you can then use to do much more productive things.

The next time you look at someone and wonder how they manage to get so many things done in a day, know that the answer probably is that they don’t watch TV.

See Also: 5 Traits To Adopt To Create The Mind Of A Wealthy Person

8. They Network Aggressively

Wealthy, successful people are highly proactive when it comes to building their network. They make it a point to make contact and develop relationships with vital people, both within and outside their business. From golf sessions to LinkedIn connects, one of the habits of wealthy people is to actively strengthen and expand their network.

When done right, networking can help you land new clients as well as tap talent for future hiring. Sometimes it is all about knowing the right person, and that is where your networking comes in handy. Good networking skills are an indispensable asset in the business world.

If you want to be successful and wealthy, you need to work for it, not just in your professional life but in your personal life as well. When you follow the habits of wealthy people and optimize your lifestyle to reflect that of a successful person, you are already half-way to achieving your goal.


Janet Miller

Janet Miller lives the RV life and is the cofounder of Jen Reviews.

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