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15 Excellent Web Apps For Managing Your Personal Finances

I’m sure I won’t be exaggerating if I say that the effective management of your personal finances is a major key to reduced stress and increased happiness. While I am no finance wizard, common sense tells me that keeping an eye on the incoming and outgoing money is always beneficial.

Since personal finance is a lucrative business, the internet has spawned upon a huge number of web apps that try to help you manage your money. I decided to check out a bunch of them and pick 15 such tools which seem good at implementing what they promise. If you have a system that works today, keep it. However, if you are constantly wondering where your last $100 went, it’s time to start tracking a little.

    1. Mint
      Mint is probably the most well known of all personal finance web based apps available. It is free to use and offers some excellent financial tools which help to track your investments and manage your budget.






Written on 6/25/2009 by Abhijeet Mukherjee. Abhijeet is an internet entrepreneur who loves writing about tech, productivity, blogging & making money online. Catch him at Jeet Blog and also subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Photo Credit: Quicken

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