10 Workout Tips All Beginners Need To Know

By Rachel Summers
October 11, 2017 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

You’ve finally decided to get started on your fitness journey, get to the gym and start working out. That’s great!
Every journey has to start somewhere and making that decision is the first step. But, before you actually walk into the gym, it’s a good idea to have some knowledge under your belt.
Here are the top 10 workout tips that you need to know before you get started.
Don’t Worry About Everyone Else
Anyone who starts out on a workout plan has the same thought: ‘Everyone in this gym is looking at me.’
It’s intimidating. But, the truth is, those people in the gym will be worrying about the exact same thing. So, don’t feel too conscious about how you look or how much expertise you have.
Ask For Help
Andrea Deacon, a fitness writer, says: ‘The first time I walked into a gym, I had no idea what I was doing. Luckily, the staff there were helpful and showed me around when I asked them for help.’
Don’t be afraid to ask for help from gym staff. After all, that’s what they’re there for.
Don’t Forget Your Diet
Remember, going to the gym or working out is only one part of a good fitness program. Apart from that, you need to ensure that you’re eating healthily.
A good diet will look slightly different for everyone, but a good rule of thumb is to ensure you eat plenty of whole foods, fruits, and vegetables. Supplements can help you with your fitness goals, too.
See Also: 5 Easy Healthy Habits You Can Start Straight Away
Take It Easy At First
If you’ve never been to the gym before, don’t feel the pressure to start using all the equipment. Start out by just doing some simple stretches that will help you get warmed up.
If you’re feeling brave on your first day, you can go and walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes, just so you can get a feel of it. If you start out simply, you’re setting yourself up for success.
Make It A Habit
It takes 21 days to create a habit and the same goes for working out. No matter what you’re doing, make sure you’re consistent about it. No matter how much you don’t feel like it, make sure you hit the gym. The more you keep it up, the more you’ll find you enjoy it.
Learn From Your Mistakes
No one is perfect. If you make a mistake, don’t beat yourself up about it. Everyone has been there. Instead, pick yourself up and learn from what you did.
Learn About Your Muscles
If you’re serious about getting fit, you’re going to need to learn more about your muscles and how they work. Learn about the muscle groups you’re targeting and find the best workouts that will benefit them.
Take Your Time
No matter what your plan is, take your time moving through it. You’re anxious to start moving forward and that’s understandable.
However, if you rush ahead before you’re really ready, you’re only setting yourself up for a fall. Instead, only move on when you’re really capable of doing so.
Take Notes
When you start your routine, take notes of what you’re doing.
How many reps can you do? How far can you run?
This gives you a good starting point and helps you create attainable goals. If you feel you can push yourself, you can make a note of how much further you can go, too.
See Also: Tracking Your Workout Activity: Several Ways You Can Do It
Consider Working With A Fitness Instructor
If you really feel clueless, that’s ok. What you can do is book a few sessions with fitness instructors. They can show you around the gym, help you set attainable goals and get you started. Working with an expert can help you start off on the right foot.
In summary
These tips should help you make the most of your fitness journey. Start out small and build yourself up to greater things. Everyone has to start somewhere and you’re doing more than most people. So, be proud of yourself! Before long, you’ll see a real improvement in your fitness level.

Rachel Summers
Rachel Summers is a freelance writer whose passion is helping students get the most out of their learning journey. She started out as a writer and journalist in the newspaper industry, including Top Canadian Writers, before breaking out to go freelance and follow her own passions. Her writing is designed to help you get the most out of college.