4 Important Tips to Store Your Wine Safely

By Jilli Smith
May 2, 2019 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Are you an ardent wine collector looking for ways to store your wines at their best condition without spending a fortune? Are you in need of some really effective wine storage tips?
If you have some wine that you aren’t planning to consume anytime soon, then you’ll be anxious to store it safely. That way, it will remain in prime condition to be used at a later stage. The majority of wines are best relished within a few years from when they are prepared and only a small percentage of fine wines available on the market gain from long-term aging. If you’re looking at buying wines that need to age, then you need to consider investing in a professional wine storage facility.
The wine storage tips in this article will surely help you out.
Switch off the lights
Light, particularly sunlight, can create problems if you are thinking of storing your wine for the long-term. UV rays can degrade the quality of your wine even before it’s time to drink it.
Ever wondered why vintners (i.e. someone who makes/sells wine) use colored glass bottles? Well, colored glass bottles are like sunglasses for wine. The light coming from bulbs fitted in the house wouldn’t spoil the wine, but it can fade away the labels over time.
Compared to fluorescent bulbs, choose incandescent bulbs. They release a smaller amount of UV lights.
Don’t fret about the moisture (humidity) level
Traditional wisdom says that wines should be stored at a perfect humidity level – around 70%. Dry air will dry out the corks, allowing air to enter the bottle and damage the wine.
Well, this can occur. But unless you live in an extreme cold or desert region, it most likely won’t happen to you.
Alternatively, if you’re storing wine bottles for ten or more years, then we’re back to the topic of the professional-level wine storage facility. Anywhere between 50% and 80% humidity is regarded as safe and keeping a pan of water in your storage area can enhance conditions.
On the other hand, extremely moist conditions can encourage mold. This wouldn’t affect a fittingly sealed wine but can spoil the labels. A dehumidifier can solve the issue.
Store wine bottles sideways
Usually, bottles are stored on their sides to keep the liquid up against the cork. It helps preserve the cork and keep it from drying out.
If you’re planning on consuming these wine bottles in the near to mid-term or if the bottles have substitute closures, such as glass, plastic corks or screw caps, then this isn’t a requisite. However, horizontal racking is a resourceful way to store your wine bottles and it certainly won’t damage your wines.
Maintain a cool temperature
Heat stands against wine. Temperature greater than 21 degree Celsius will age wine more rapidly than is normally desirable. Moreover, if it gets way too hot, your wine may get cooked. This can result in flat smells and flavors.
The right temperature range is between 7 degree Celsius and 18 degree Celsius. And 13 degree Celsius is often referred to as near to perfect. However, you don’t have to be anxious if your storage gets warmer by a couple of degrees as long as you’re consuming the bottles within a few years of its purchase.
The Bottom Line
Indeed, cold temperature is required for storing wine. But remember, you need to be cautious that it does not get too cool. For instance, you may keep wine bottles in your home refrigerator for up to a couple of months. However, it’s not recommended for a long duration.
It’s crucial to avert the landmines of speedy, extreme or recurrent temperature swings than getting anxious about achieving an ideal temperature of 13 degree Celsius. The crux is you don’t have to get scared about minor temperature fluctuations. What you should aim for is consistency.
Nevertheless, if you’re a zealous wine collector and don’t want to take all the trouble of storing your wine collection all by yourself, then the easy way to handle it is by availing the services of a professional wine storage facility.

Jilli Smith
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