10 Energy-Boosting Snacks To Eat Before The Gym

By Alex gendron

June 23, 2017   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

pre workout food

The will to go to the gym and work your heart out usually gets trumped by the lack of energy to give it all you’ve got. You may be pumped up and hyped but you do not get the most out of your time in the gym. You lose steam easily and you wrap up and throw in the towel early.

Our daily food intake has a lot to do with the energy in our body or the lack thereof. There are pre-work out food that are very ideal to give you that boost you need to make sure you get the workout you have in mind.

We have categorized this energy boosting food that will surely give you that sense of well-being and that extra oomph you need to hit the gym hard.


  • Yogurt


This has lactose, a sugar derived from milk which is easily digested to give you that extra boost you need before working out. This grab-and-go snack is also packed with protein which allows slow absorption of that milk sugar giving you a longer energy boost.

There are tons of yogurt snacks out there which you can consume on the go, but if you have time to make a pre-work out meal, it will be ideal to add a little greek yogurt dip into it. If you want to have a packed morning snack to power you through the day until you hit the gym, you can even go for apple oat greek yogurt muffins with no oil but with all natural flavor packed with fiber.

Lean meats

  • Salmon

This fatty fish has two powerful nutrients; protein and omega 3 fatty acid. We all know that we need protein to build muscle and repair, ligament, tendons, and bones. Omega 3 is a powerful anti-inflammatory which is also very beneficial for your post workout making sure that healing is uninhibited.

  • Chicken

Lean meats can give you power for hours on end and it is very high in protein. It has lots of nutrients like iron that energizes through the proper transport of blood cells throughout the body, vitamin B to quench fatigue, and magnesium which is essential in building strong bones, ligaments, and tendons.

On your next trip to the gym, grab a chicken sandwich to-go to give you that boost that you need.


  • Avocado

This is a fruit rich in omega 3 fatty acids, loaded with fiber, protein, magnesium, potassium, and iron. This fruit has a unique balance for building lean muscles and burning fat.

A green smoothie avocado is an easy way of preparing and consuming this pre-workout drink, or it can also be paired with whole grain bread for an avo toast.

  • Banana

Bananas have vitamins, antioxidants, complex carbohydrates, and lots of nutrients and minerals that will give you that boost that you need before a workout. It is also one of the best sources of potassium which is essential in muscle function.

Bananas with some berries, raisins, and oats will make a great homemade energy bar with all the nutrients you need and the sugar to curb your sweet cravings.

  • Lemon

Add a little squeezed lemon in your water and you got yourself the best energy booster around. Lemon water hydrates and oxygenates your cells which in turn give you clean energy that will not give you headaches or mood swings like the artificial energy drinks packed with caffeine and sugar.

Vegetables and legumes

  • Cucumber, zucchini, and carrots

These will make a light and easy option veggie roll. This snack is packed with antioxidants. Add few more ingredients like pesto and avocado to add some more protein into your meal.

  • Peanuts, soybeans, and hummus


When it comes to building muscles, these legumes have a serious impact and are a great source of protein and fiber. You can have hummus mixed with some chili, carrots, and cucumber.


  • Oatmeal

This is the best carbohydrate to start your day right because it has high fiber content and B-vitamins like niacin, thiamin, and folate. It is a very good combination that helps your body metabolize energy.

Oatmeal can also be used in homemade energy bars or healthy cookies that are easy to make for a pre-workout snack.

  • Corn

Air popped corn is a whole grain that is packed with fiber and energy. Contrary to its popular version movie theater version, the air-popped popcorn will allow you to have up to four cups since it only contains 30 calories per serving. It contains tons of fiber which will leave you feeling full and satisfied for a longer period without that guilt and heaviness.

  • Whole grain

A bowl of whole grain in the morning will give you that early morning boost you need to work and think. It will also satisfy that hunger from your deep slumber.

  • Brown rice

Brown rice is one good source of manganese, a mineral that aids in the synthesis of fatty acids. It is also an antioxidant that keeps you healthy and protects you from the damages brought by free radicals.

  • Coffee

Coffee is a natural energy drink that can power you throughout the day minus the artificial flavors and sweeteners. This low-calorie drink will give you the mental alertness that will surely help you power through your workout.

  • Dark chocolate

dark chocolate

This is the best way to conquer your sweet tooth cravings. It’s a much better alternative compared to desserts that are heavy on artificial sweeteners and refined starches. These give you sugar highs that only deplete your body of energy and make you crash.

  • Flax seed

Flax seed is one of the superfoods that is packed with minerals for strong bones and energy. This tiny seed has more potassium than a banana and beats milk with its calcium content.

Just remember, this list isn’t just for pre workout food. These are also great to eat before going to work or school.

See Also: 8 Bad Food Habits That are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals


Alex gendron

Alex is a passionate writer for Topic Exchange. He loves to write on home remedies, beauty, health and food which helps people in an everyday life.

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