How to Get Rid of Gingivitis: 15 Home Remedies That Actually Work
By Vanessa Richards
January 10, 2024 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man
Have been noticing small specks of blood on your gums? Then, it’s time to learn how to get rid of gingivitis. That’s right – bleeding gums are the most obvious symptoms of gingivitis. But, don’t worry – you’re not the only one trying to learn how to treat gingivitis.
This periodontal disease affects over 50% of the US adult population. The slightly worrying fact is that unless you treat gingivitis, it gets worse. That’s why 70% of adults over the age of 65 require professional gingivitis treatment.
Thankfully, it’s quite easy to treat gingivitis at home. There are many highly effective gingivitis home remedies. Learn & practice these simple home remedies at home & you can cure gingivitis & prevent other gum diseases forever.
But, first, let’s understand the nature of this periodontal disease.
How to Get Rid of Gingivitis: Causes & Symptoms
The cause of this gum disease is plaque bacteria infecting the gum line. Your mouth naturally produces plaque bacteria – an invisible & harmless bacterial film that coats your teeth. When harmful bacteria and their byproducts build up on the dental plaque, they harden & become tartar.
Plaque bacteria infect the gum line. This leads to inflamed gums. Inflammation causes bleeding & other oral health problems. The hardened tartar also puts pressure on the gum line causing bleeding & swelling in the gums.
Here are the main gingivitis symptoms you need to look out for
- Bad breath
- Swollen & bleeding gums
- Sensitivity while chewing
- Constant discomfort in the gum line
- Addressing these gingivitis symptoms as and when they appear is very important.
15 Home Remedies To Address Gingivitis Symptoms
In addition to addressing the symptoms of gingivitis one by one, you also need to remove the plaque buildup before it becomes tartar. The home remedies we recommend will do both. They’ll remove plaque, reduce inflammation in the gums, treat gingivitis, & improve your overall oral health. All the home remedies explained below are safe & easy to do at home.
1. Create & Use Your Own Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash
Don’t wait for your dental professional to prescribe medicated mouthwash. Use tea tree oil – a scientifically proven natural oil known for preventing gingivitis to create your own antibacterial mouthwash.
Pour 3-4 drops of tea tree oil into a cup full of fresh warm water. Swish your tea tree oil mouthwash in your mouth for 30-50 seconds. Repeat 1-2 times a day & you’ll treat your plaque-related gingivitis in no time.
2. Create & Use Your Own Aloe Vera Mouthwash
Aloe vera is probably better for your oral health than tea tree oil because of its super-strong antibacterial & anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, aloe vera is 100% safe to use – its juice doesn’t need to be diluted.
Create your own aloe vera mouthwash using the same method mentioned above. Just use 100% pure aloe vera juice instead of tea tree oil. Do it twice a day to treat gingivitis & improve your overall periodontal health.
3. Create & Use Your Own Lemongrass Oil Mouthwash
Lemongrass oil has antibacterial, anti-infectious, & anti-inflammatory properties. If you get tired of using your homemade aloe vera or tea tree oil mouthwash, switch up your oral hygiene routine by using a lemongrass oil mouthwash from time to time.
Use the same method mentioned above to create your own lemongrass mouthwash. Rinse your mouth twice a day with this powerful homemade mouthwash for the best results.
4. Create & Use Your Own Guava Leaf Mouthwash
A recent study proved that guava leaves have strong antibacterial properties that can reduce aphthous ulcers in the gum line. You can use these leaves to create your own guava leaves mouthwash at home.
Crush 5-8 guava leaves. Mix the paste with 1 glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this powerful, homemade guava leaves mouthwash once a day to treat gingivitis symptoms.
5. Only Buy Dental Health Products That Contain Cetylpyridinium Chloride (CPC)
CPC is one of the strongest antimicrobial agents known to man. So, if you are buying a mouthwash, make sure to buy a cetylpyridinium chloride mouthwash. It’s the best for treating gingivitis.
6. Saltwater Rinses
Giving your mouth saltwater rinses won’t directly help in treating gingivitis. But, it will keep your mouth healthy. Giving your mouth daily saltwater rinses is a good dental hygiene practice that’s super-easy to practice.
7. Use a Sage Mouthwash
According to dental hygienists, sage leaves contain 60+ beneficial compounds that can combine to kill the harmful bacteria Streptococcus Mutans. You can use these leaves to create your own sage mouthwash.
Create your own sage mouthwash by boiling 2-3 sage leaves in a cup of water. Use the solution to rinse your mouth 1-2 times a day.
8. Apply Coconut Oil to Your Dental Plaque
The process of applying coconut oil to the teeth, gum line, & dental plaque is called oil pulling. Coconut oil pulling helps remove harmful bacteria in the mouth. That’s because coconut oil has strong antimicrobial properties.
swishing oil in the mouth is not a comfortable process for everyone. But, coconut oil is tasty & it smells well. Oil pulling with coconut oil can also help you get rid of your bad breath.
9. Apply Turmeric Gel to Your Gum Line
Turmeric gel has extremely strong antimicrobial, anti-fungal, & anti-inflammatory properties. It can instantly reduce inflammation & bleeding in the gums. Apply turmeric gel to your gums after every time you brush your teeth for best results.
10. Refrain from Smoking or Chewing Tobacco
Smoking or chewing tobacco can weaken your tooth enamel & gum line and make them more susceptible to the harm inflicted by plaque bacteria.
11. Limit Your Consumption of Sugary Foods
When you eat sugar regularly, your tooth enamel weakens by a huge margin. Sugar also attracts tiny, harmful plaque bacteria which causes a variety of oral health problems. So, the first step in maintaining good oral hygiene is cutting sugary foods from your daily diet.
12. Get a Soft Bristled Toothbrush (Preferably Electric)
If daily brushing and flossing feel painful to your gums, replace your old toothbrush with an electric toothbrush with extra-soft bristles.
13. Don’t Stop Brushing and Flossing
Daily brushing and flossing may feel pain if you have swollen, bleeding gums. But, don’t let that pain be an excuse for you to not practice good oral hygiene. Floss daily. Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
14. Eat a Diet Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
Your dietary habits will shape your oral health. Eating healthy diets rich in vitamins, minerals, & calcium is the key to maintaining proper oral hygiene.
15. Keep Improving Your Oral Hygiene Routine
Replace your electric toothbrush every three months with a new one Try out different antibacterial mouthwashes – homemade & ones. Treating periodontal disease is a continuous effort that requires great care, attention & innovation.
How Long Does It Take to Get Rid of Gingivitis & How to Prevent It from Returning?
Practicing a mixture of these gingivitis home remedies for just a few days should result in considerable improvements. With three to six months of practicing these home remedies – you can expect your plaque buildup to clear up completely.
To accelerate this process & prevent gingivitis from making a comeback, try using the following nutritional supplements.
These all-natural supplements are recommended by dental professionals all across the globe. They can boost your overall oral health & accelerate the gingivitis treatment process:
1. Best Vitamin for Oral Health Supplement: Steel Bite Pro
Steel Bite Pro is a highly-rated, all-natural dental supplement that can help treat a variety of periodontal diseases. It’s packed with 23+ plants, herbs, minerals, and vitamins. Natural ingredients like milk thistle, celery seed, chicory root, beetroot, grape seed extracts, etc., have amazing anti-inflammatory properties.
They combine to prevent bacterial damage in the teeth & gums. Steel Bite Pro comes packaged in easy-to-swallow, once-a-day pills which makes it a consumer favorite.
Shop Steel Bite Pro Supplement at the Official Website.
Full Article: Steel Bite Pro Reviews: Does it Really Work?
2. Best Natural Antibiotics Properties: G force Teeth and Gums
G-force is a great supplement for preventing gingivitis & maintaining good oral hygiene. That’s because it’s packed with powerful antioxidants like Zinc, beetroot strains, artichoke, dandelion, jujube seeds, alfalfa, & more.
Sounds complex? Don’t worry, these are all-natural ingredients. They work their way through saliva to eliminate the harmful plaque bacteria in the mouth.
Shop G-Force Supplement at the Official Website.
Full Article: G-Force Dental Supplement Review: Does it Really Work?
3. Regenerates Gums Inside and Out: Dentitox Pro
Dentitox Pro deserves a spot on this list because it contains several substances & natural ingredients that are typically not found in most oral health supplements. For example, Dentitox contains a healthy mixture of zinc, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, & collagen.
That’s right – it contains collagen extracts. Collagen is the building block of the body. The collagen in Dentitox can help regenerate your gums from the inside out. In addition to enhancing gum health, it can also reduce your risk of tooth loss.
4. Best for Dental and Mental Health: ProMind Complex
ProMind is an all-natural nootropic that people use to resolve their cognitive issues. But, it can also be beneficial for your dental health because it contains high amounts of anti-bacterial agents like Huperzine, ginkgo biloba, & bacopa monnieri. These natural ingredients can elevate your brain health & make your gum line more resilient against harmful bacteria.
5. Best Overall Dental Health: Dentivive
If you want a proven oral health product, Dentivive is a safe bet. It contains natural antioxidants like resveratrol, green tea extracts, zinc, magnesium, calcium, peppermint extracts, etc. They all combine to support healthy saliva concentration.
Maintaining your saliva health is the key to balancing the microbial environment in your mouth. Treating gingivitis becomes much easier when you keep your saliva & your mouth healthy with Dentivive.
Shop Dentivive Supplement at the Official Website.
6. Best Dental Hygiene Support: Denti Strength
Denti Strength is another widely popular oral supplement. It’s packed with powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial agents like methionine and berberine. They help reduce the number of harmful bacteria present in the mouth. Regular use of Denti Strength can help safeguard your teeth and gums from oxidative damage & prevent gingivitis.
Shop Denti Strength Supplement at the Official Website.
7. Organic Treatment For Gum Disease: Gum and Teeth Fortifier
This is an eBook. But, it belongs a spot on this list because it’s the most comprehensive resource on gum health ever created. Follow this easy-to-follow to treat your gum disease naturally.
Learn everything – from gum care techniques used by the aboriginal Pakana Tribes of Tasmania to the latest gum care techniques used by dental professionals. The Gum and Teeth Fortifier eBook is a must-read for people suffering from gum diseases & infections.
Shop Gum & Teeth Fortifier Digital Guide at the Official Website.
Gingivitis can sound like an emergency but it really is not. There is absolutely no need to panic when you have one.
Practicing simple hygiene every day can go a long way. If you have gingivitis, use these home remedies & supplements to address the problem today.
Even if your gingivitis symptoms aren’t causing you severe dental discomfort – don’t let them foster. Use this guide to rid of gingivitis on your own!
>>Related Article: 7 Best Supplements and Vitamins for Gum and Oral Health in 2024
How To Get Rid of Gingivitis FAQs
Can I get rid of gingivitis on my own?
Yes. Practice good oral hygiene & use home remedies that involve the use of natural, antibacterial & anti-inflammatory products (e.g., aloe vera).
How long does gingivitis take to go away?
Practicing gingivitis home remedies can help you eliminate this gum disease in 2-3 months.
Can your gums heal from gingivitis?
Yes. Once you use products to reduce inflammation & bleeding in the gums, gums do heal. But, don’t expect them to heal on their own.
Vanessa Richards
Vanessa is a mom of 3 lovely children and a software geek. Outside of her career as a health and wellness instructor. She enjoys writing and researching on topics such as finance, software, health and culinary.