Helpful Tips You Can Use In Your Next Appointment With Home Service Doctors

By Mikee Johnson

October 2, 2019   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

how to prepare for a doctor's appointment

Home service doctors and home doctor visits were the norm back in the 1930s and before the Second World War. But in the aftermath of one of the darkest times in human history, the practice of house calls have declined.

By 1980, doctor-patient interactions through house calls were down to 1% from 40% in the 1930s. So now, picture this scenario:

Your brother is ill and needs to see a doctor. Unfortunately, he has to descend a couple flights of stairs first, a journey that he can’t take because he feels so weak. But in thinking that he needs to, for the sake of seeing a doctor, you make the trek anyway.

And that’s just a make-believe scenario. Can you imagine forcing your grandmother to move and journey some place else when you know she can’t?

Scenarios and real-life situations like this is what calls for home service doctors.

Home Service Doctors and You As the Patient

prepare for a doctor's appointment

Over the last few years, home service doctors have been surely yet gradually growing in popularity once again.

In an age where the use of the internet is rampant and where customer experience reigns supreme, personalized experiences for patients have also taken center stage. Patients want to feel like they’re with someone who knows them, cares about their needs, and allots the right amount of time to listen to them.

And for physicians, home service doctors also have its own fair share of advantages. Aside from a more satisfying patient interaction, doctors also get to see how patients live. Is their environment conducive to healing and recovering? Or do they need to improve cleanliness in some way or other?

Doctors always want the best for their patients.

But sometimes, home service doctors and medical care go beyond the check-up and medical jargon. Some patients find this frustrating and will feel like they’re not receiving the care that they paid for.

And sometimes, they’re actually right. Sometimes, patients might need more layman explanations and more medical jargon translation.

Tips When Seeing Your Home Service Doctors

how to prepare for a doctors appointment

Just like any other relationship between clients and givers, it takes a bit of compromise to build a solid foundation and a mutually beneficial relationship. So, in order to form a healthy patient-doctor relationship with your home service doctor, here are a couple of tips you should keep in mind.

Try keeping a journal

Take notes during the doctor’s visit. Jot down things you didn’t get to ask or write down the clarification points given to you. Don’t forget to note the instructions you received from the doctor, too.

And be sure that you fully understand the treatment plan for the ailment you have. Even if it’s just a regular health check-up, don’t hesitate to note the areas where you’re doing physically well. Make a note to improve where the doctor says you’re lacking.

This is also great because it reinforces the fact that you are paying attention to your physician and take their words to heart.

Prepare for the doctor’s appointment

This is even more helpful if you already have regular doctor appointments scheduled. With each visit, you can jot down a list of questions. If you have one or two non-related medical issues, feel free to list them down.

This is good so your doctor can see what’s going on with your health. It’ll also help him decide on the best course of action to take during your home service doctor’s visit.

Don’t shy away from follow-ups

Never hesitate to ask for follow-up instructions. It’s not wise in other relationships, but this is a very wise thing to ask your doctor. At the end of every visit, don’t hesitate to ask the physician when to schedule a follow-up.

Be honest about your medicine intake

Give your house call doctor a list of your current medication in every visit. Your doctor may already have a list, but there can be situations where you’ve purchased over-the-counter medical drugs without telling your doctor.

Medical errors can happen if your doctor isn’t privy to the medicine that you take. This is also good just in case your doctor decides to change your medications.

Communicate openly

Never hesitate to ask questions and bring up any points of confusion. If something isn’t clear, ask your doctor to elaborate. Don’t forget that doctors are humans like the rest of us.

They’re careful, yes, but they’re susceptible to negligence and human error like the next person. So, if something is unclear, just ask. It saves you a lot of trouble down the road.

See Also: 9 Tips You Can Use When Talking With Your Doctor

The Takeaway

Getting the most out of a home service doctor visit is only natural, especially because of your needs and how often you might need their services now. And we do sincerely hope that these five tips can help your next home doctor visit run a little smoother.

Mikee Johnson

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