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6 Workout Hacks, Plus 8 Tips for Beginners

Image via Creative Commons, Istolethetv's Flickr photostream. (Source)

We all know that working out is a requirement to good health. Getting started is half the battle and without a plan you will quickly become frustrated and eventually quit. What good is that? So, for all of you (and I am in this group) that need to step up to the plate and become a little more active, consider these tips to help ensure you have drive to keep it up!

    1. Always Do Weights Before Cardio: Most people are confused about this one, and I regularly watch people at my gym do the opposite. However, trainers, serious athletes and bodybuilders do weights first: this way, your heart rate goes up and when you lift, your body is in more of a fat burning mode. Doing the opposite means that your muscles are already tired by the time you get to weight-training. However, always remember to warm up for a few minutes before hitting the weights.











If you’ve just started working out, here are some more tips that you should remember:

    1. Start Slow: Don’t jump into it all too suddenly: increase workout intensity gradually and avoid hurting yourself.















Shutting out negative thoughts, like, “Ugh, I’m so tired” or “I hate coming to the gym” helps, but replacing them with positive thoughts is better. Try to reframe your situation so that you actually enjoy what you’re doing. Tell yourself that yes, you’re tired, but that’s good, because it means you’re a lean, mean, calorie-burning machine. Self talk like “I love the gym”, “I love the post-workout high” and “I love doing these terrible crunches because I’m going to love my six-pack” might sound dumb in theory, but in practice, it really helps you to work out harder, more effectively, and more cheerfully.

Good luck!

This post’s author is Ruby Cinatta.

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