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Enjoy Life More: Schedule Your Leisure Time


Time management advice often talks about the important of having a schedule. When you’re at work, the plethora of meetings, conference calls and to-do lists probably provide a lot of structure. Whether you are actually getting things done is another story.

But have you ever given any thought to scheduling your leisure time? Many of us find it all too easy to let our evenings and weekends fall into a comfortable – and often rather boring or unsatisfactory – routine. To get the most out of both your work and your play, try some of these ways of giving your leisure time a little structure too.

The answer is often, paradoxically, to stop worrying about scheduling your work time and start building in some time for fun instead. For example, if you tend to start work at 8AM, schedule yourself a break for 10AM (and plan something that you genuinely want to do – perhaps a walk round a favorite park, or watching an episode of a TV program you love). Having a concentrated two hours to work in will help you focus and challenge yourself to see how much you can get done in that time.

This is also a good method to prevent your productivity from nose-diving because you’ve been trying to focus for too long at a stretch.


Try planning for at least one or two evenings a week where you schedule time to do something different. Maybe it’s going out for a nice meal (not just grabbing takeout to eat while in front of your computer). Perhaps you’ll finally catch that play or movie you’ve been wanting to see. Or maybe you just want to snuggle up on the sofa for an hour and spend some quality time with your partner. The important thing is that you plan ahead – this gives you something to look forward to during your busy day, and it makes it much more likely that it’ll actually happen.

One of the best things about scheduling your weekend is that you’ll have something to look forward to. The anticipation of a leisure activity can be almost as fun and uplifting as the activity itself.

You might also be surprised to find that when you do block out a chunk of time for something – a day trip, perhaps – everything else that needs to be done will fit in around it. Perhaps you’ll get up early to do the laundry, or maybe you’ll give the kitchen a quick clean on a Friday night.

And if planning your weekends ahead of time feels too regimented and strict for you, then plan for spontaneity! Decide that you’ll spend, say, noon till bedtime on Saturday doing something purely for fun – and make it happen.

Do you schedule your leisure time, or do you just take life as it comes? Do you like to have something to look forward to (whether it’s a coffee with a friend at 11am, or a big weekend away) – or do you prefer to go with the flow?

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