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Never Let Your Fears Prevent You From Succeeding

I am talking about a great deal of things right here. You might be tempted to think that money making or planning and business strategies are the main stuff on my mind when I am saying this. But they are actually not, so what is success really?Sadly, far to often in today’s society, success in ones life is basically measured by the size of a bank account or success at work. This belief sets people up for a massive emotional fall and we have all certainly heard of the ‘richest man in the graveyard syndrome’ before.I definitely do not personally put a great deal of trust and interest into this particular standard.


For me personally, success in life of course involves creating massive financial wealth and being able to live the lifestyle of my wildest dreams, but certainly not at the cost of my fulfillment in my work, not at the cost of my health, not at the cost of the success of my clients and anyone I do business with and definitely not at the cost of my family and personal relationships.

Success for me can be measured through this special combo, and it may be presumptuous for me to say, but I believe that this combo is, or perhaps should be the similar criteria to which success is measured for most.

If we are all honest with ourselves, we could identify at least one if not multiple areas of our lives, which we could feel that we are not succeeding in, whatever that means for you.

So, you have to ask the question, exactly what is holding you back from having it?

Now, I’m sure you can come up with a hundred excuses why your life perhaps isn’t where you want it to be in a certain area, but there is only one real reason; and if you dig down into any scenario and surface excuse, it all comes down to fear. The fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of taking a certain action, or perhaps the fear of what others might think.

So what type of fears or so called ‘childhood traumas’ are preventing you from diving into a sea of challenges, business financial plans and money making stratagems, stopping you from taking your relationship to another level, taking control of your health and all of those other definitions of wealth you might have? What are your turnoffs?

Creating financial freedom is one of those typical successes that everyone wants, but very few people ever reach. This is simply due to the fact the majority of people fail to take the necessary steps to get there because it can be scary to do something which you have never done before, like investing or creating budgets etc. etc. So most, out of fear, never get started.

Creating financial freedom is one of those typical successes that everyone wants, but very few people ever reach. This is simply due to the fact the majority of people fail to take the necessary steps to get there because it can be scary to do something which you have never done before, like investing or creating budgets etc. etc. So most, out of fear, never get started.

Think about it, isn’t creating wealth something that you have been thinking about achieving since as long as you can remember?
What has been holding you back from taking the steps you know you need to take?
Is it the fear of losing money?
Is it a lack of knowledge?
Or is it not knowing where to start?

No one was born knowing it all; I certainly wasn’t. But I grew to figure out how to start and then took steps on a consistent basis to keep moving towards what I wanted. The only way to overcome fear is to just do it. Get some knowledge, understand your risks, plan to prevent those risks and make a plan and strategy on how you are going to achieve what you truly want, and then just go for it. When you achieve the first thing, try it on something else, then another and another. Make it a consistent habit of yours, to feel the fear and then do it anyway, you then become comfortable with taking more steps outside of your comfort zone and within a very short period of time, you will simply not recognize your life. The results you will have created by doing the things that most people are afraid to do potentially are astronomical.

Go ahead and try it now. Think of one small action, which you know you have been procrastinating on due to fear and just do it. Something, which is just slightly outside of your comfort zone so, you begin to develop the muscle of greater courage and consistent action despite fear.

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