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35+ Spectacular and Practical Time Saving Tips

Do you struggle with fitting everything in? Do you always feel strapped for time? Most of us do. To help you, here are some very practical time saving tips that can add up to a more streamlined life and less stress. Here’s to enjoying our life more!


    1. Kids Help Too. At the minimum, have kids do a quick tidy up 15-30 minutes before bedtime. This would include picking up toys, laying out tomorrow’s clothes, and collecting anything they’ll need by the door. For more kiddie help write down a list of all the chores that need to get done, and then assign them on a weekly basis on a family planning chart or white board. Depending on their age, kids can help to varying degrees with folding laundry, taking out the garbage, loading/unloading dishwasher, sweeping, bathroom cleanup, etc. 

Laundry & Cleaning

    1. Socks. Buy each person in the household 2 small mesh laundry bags. In one bag keep all the dirty socks. In the other all the clean socks. When the dirty sock bag is full then throw it in the laundry and then the other empty bag then becomes the dirty sock bag. Works especially well if all your socks are the same because then there’s no need for matching. 


    1. Eliminate cup clutter. Assign one place, say a tray, where everyone keeps their cup(s) during the day. At the end of the day, they go into the dishwasher. Also assign a place in the fridge for drinks that are not finished. One other method that helps is to have each person have their own cup with their name on it. This way there’s no wasting of drinks and using multiple cups in one day. 


    1. Garbage. Keep the garbage can right next to you when cooking or a bowl that you put all garbage into as you cook. Either way will eliminate walking back and forth to the garbage multiple times. 
    1. Oatmeal with cinnamon, nuts, and (frozen) berries which you can put in a plastic cup to go. 
    1. Eat out. Not always the most economical, but if you are savvy you can find places that give a lot of food and maybe stretch one lunch into two, today and tomorrow. 
    1. Remember dinner doesn’t have to be elaborate. Try breakfast items such as cereal or eggs for a quick light dinner, especially if you had a big lunch. Or simple sandwiches can be quick and easy meal. 


    1. Online. Do as much of your errands and shopping online as you can such as grocery shopping and delivery services, Amazon Dry Grocery shopping (with free shipping over $25), and, obviously, many other stores. You’ll save driving time, gasoline, and you won’t be temped to buy things you don’t need. It also allows you to find the best prices more easily.

Grocery Shopping

    1. Categories. Write out your grocery list according to the major aisles in your grocery store. This will make in-store grocery shopping go much faster because you won’t have to backtrack. 


    1. Plan Your Day. Do this religiously and you’ll be far more productive. Plan only as much as you can actually accomplish. Be realistic about time frames and do the most difficult and most important stuff first. Make a habit of doing this first thing when you wake up or at the end of the day. 
    1. Toys. Have current toy bins and dormant bins. Only keep out a limited number of toys at any given stage. Then every 3 months or so rotate some of them. The dormant toys will seem like new and your house will be less cluttered.


    1. Social engagements. Only attend the ones you really want to go to. It’s ok to say no. It’s your life and your time. Spend it the way you want. 


  1. Find Files: Use Launchyor Google Desktop for finding any file, folder, or program that you need. These work much better and faster than windows explorer.


  1. Subscribe to email newsletters or RSS feeds for just the information you like to read. Or consider a subscription to The Week which is a super concise wrap up of everything that happened that week. It is a very slim magazine with just the facts. Check it out!

What are your favorite time saving tips? Please share with us in the comments!

Written for Dumb Little Man by K. Stone, author of Life Learning Today, a blog about daily life improvements. Popular articles are Green Cleaning: Easy and Natural Ways to Clean and Freshen Your Home and 7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Financial Life.

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