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Boost Your Interpersonal Relationship Skills With These Tips For The Art of Making the Deal

Few things strike fear in a person more than the thought of sitting across the table from someone negotiating. 

Whether it’s at the car dealership, convincing a toddler to take a nap or navigating through an argument with your spouse; life is all about negotiations. 

From birth we learn how to go back and forth in an effort to get what we want. In fact, we perfect this skill by early adolescence and use it to manipulate others. I often share with clients how we listen to the same radio station, WIIFM or What’s In It For Me?

The reality is, it does not get easier. As we grow, the stakes become higher which means if we are to be successful; it’s going to mean getting better at the art of deal making. As the infamous Dr. Phil says, “I don’t care if you know it or even like to play, you’re in this game of life!” Since you cannot escape this truth, I wanted to share a few pointers I have gathered through years of marketing, sales and corporate America on how to get positioned for the best deals in life.

You may never sit across from Donald Trump trying to work out a billion dollar real estate deal. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn the subtle art of getting deals done. Life is connective. We are a part of each other now more than ever. So the skills needed to get through tough negotiations are vital to accomplish what you want out of life. It’s an art so get ready to paint your masterpiece.

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Early Jackson

Photo Credit: Bill Strain

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