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Commit To A Lifetime of Fitness In A Few Simple Steps

So if there are so many benefits, why do we have a hard time sticking to a fitness program for a substantial period of time?

In my experience, almost everyone needs structure, guidance and some positive reinforcement when the goal is to make long term, lifestyle changes. Here is the exact process I use to effectively set and reach my fitness goals.

Create A Plan and Set Reachable Goals

We have all heard the saying: if you fail to plan you are planning to fail. There is so much truth in this statement. Coming up with a plan is not hard but takes some serious thought. You may be interested in running 5 miles per week, beginning a strength training program, or simply being more active for a certain period of time each week. It doesn’t matter how you want to go about it but you must develop a plan.

Big goals are made up of a bunch of smaller goals. You cannot reach your big goals until you conquer the small ones first. By doing this, you will create your own success story one step at a time.

Build A Support System
While you can achieve your goals by yourself, it’s always much easier with a support group. There are many ways to go about this. You can join a local fitness/athletic club, join a gym or look to the internet for a community of like-minded people.

Baby Steps Eventually Become Long Term Habits
So everyone knows it takes roughly 21 days for something to officially become a habit. The more often you do something the more ingrained in your mind it becomes. Many of the world’s top athletes are only good at what they do because they formed a habit of training regularly, not just because they had some supernatural abilities.

I am not implying you must train rigorously like an elite athlete, but think about what you could accomplish by adopting the same mentality and developing a workout plan similar in structure (although not the same frequency or intensity). In time, the newly formed habits would be routine and your quality of life would improve greatly. The benefits of getting up and doing something productive greatly outweighs sitting around and wasting away.

Lifestyle Changes

The ultimate goal is a permanent lifestyle change. Changing your habits and embarking on a regular workout routine can greatly benefit your life and the time it takes to build your unique workout regimen will pay off substantially, granted you actually do it.

If you have ever struggled with making an exercise plan a permanent habit, give the steps I have outlined a try. I am confident you will be well on your way to a much improved quality of life.

Written on 7/2/2009 by JC. JC is the author of JCDFitness, A No BS Approach To Looking Great Naked. Photo Credit: lu_lu
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