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10 Strategies to Masterful Food Preparation in Minimal Time

Image via Creative Commons, Marie’s Flickr photostream. (Source)

Written on 5/19/2008 by Melanie Thomassian, author of the award winning

There’s no doubt about it, finding time to cook healthy meals has become a major challenge for most families.

Many people feel swamped with the immensity of their daily tasks, and often cooking is seen as a ‘luxury!’ The good news is that sitting down to a home cooked meal even on the busiest of days, isn’t impossible. With a little planning, you and your family can maintain a healthy diet while keeping your active schedule.

If simple, yet insanely easy ideas are what you’re after, read on!

    1. Preparation, preparation, preparation! I know, it sounds boring, but sitting down each week to create a menu plan can make a huge difference to the quality of your families meals, and actually save you time and money in the long-run.



















The truth is if we don’t make time right now for our health, we’ll have to make time for sickness later in life!

What ways do you maintain a healthy lifestyle while keeping up with your busy schedule?


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