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10 Simplest Ways to Fix Uneven Skin Tone on Face

An overproduction of melanin causes hyperpigmentation. This pigment gives your skin and hair color. Hyperpigmentation can cause the skin to age unevenly and lead to scars or age spots. Excessive dead skin cells can cause uneven texture. Skin texture is also affected by the environment.

Chemicals, pollution, sun exposure, and dirt can reduce natural collagen, making skin look uneven and rough. To assist you in addressing the issue of uneven skin tone on the face, we’ve put together an article on uneven skin tone. Learn more about the causes that cause uneven skin tone and the most effective treatments for it.

Causes of Uneven Skin Tone

Damage from the sun: In years, sun-damaged dark spots or spots can be visible on your skin. The sunspots and freckles result from the harmful UV radiations that penetrate the skin. In the process, the skin can produce more melanin to defend itself. Melanin is the substance that causes the skin’s pigmentation. When the melanin production is excessive, it may cause dark spots.

① Hormonal changes

Certain problems with the skin that result in uneven skin tone could be caused due to hormonal shifts. A prime example is the melasma condition, which has been associated with increased progesterone and estrogen levels. This leads to an increase in melanin production within the skin, and it manifests as grey or brown patches. Melasma typically occurs during pregnancy or after taking oral contraceptives, which alter the hormone levels in your body.

② Aging

Older people may experience an uneven complexion than younger individuals due to many reasons, such as exposure to the sun and the usage of prescription medications which can cause skin hyperpigmentation to increase. Evidence suggests hyperpigmentation problems, such as post-inflammatory and melasma, may occur on the entire spectrum of skin types as we age.

③ Vitiligo

Certain pigmented skin conditions, such as vitiligo, can be genetic. Vitiligo can be described as an immune-mediated skin disease that causes white, large, and uneven patches to appear on your body. As soon as you notice this condition, the coloration can continue to increase in time.

④ Melasma

Melasma is a dark area of skin visible on the nose, cheeks, upper lip, and chin. It can also be seen more often on other body parts such as the arms and legs, constantly exposed to the sun.

How to Treat Uneven Skin Tone

1. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliate Regularly
Photo: ipsy

Exfoliating your skin can play an important role in addressing uneven skin tone. Exfoliation helps in the improvement of the components in your cleanser serums, toners, and moisturizers, penetrating the epidermis layer of your skin. It is first necessary to eliminate the dull and dead skin cells from the skin so that the correct ingredients work. Find an exfoliator that best suits what type of skin. Make use of it two times a week to eliminate dark spots.

2. Use Cleansers

Cleansing is a very important part of everyone’s skincare routine. If you’re suffering from an uneven complexion, we suggest using a cleanser in order to cleanse your face.

Regular cleansing will help remove dead skin cells and remove the oil, dirt, as well as other impurities which build up on your skin over the course of the day. It also promotes cell turnover which can help to improve the appearance of dark spots as well as other discolorations.

3. Hydrated Skin

In the first place, you should make sure that you’re taking good care of your skin. You should follow a suitable routine for skincare if you don’t have one already. It is recommended to clean and hydrate your face at least twice daily and not wear makeup to bed. Hydrating your skin is crucial to replenish the minerals depleted, and shield it from the factors that contribute to the skin’s age and having an uneven texture.

4. Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C Serum for the face has been a popular choice for its brightening effects that help reduce marks. Vitamin C serums can benefit the skin in a variety of ways. They can even help the appearance of the skin, as well as improve the texture of the skin and improve pigmentation.

5. Anti-Aging Serum

Photo: thefantasia

Even if you’re into your 20s or even your 30s it’s never too late to start using anti-aging skincare products. The majority of anti-aging skincare products, like moisturizing serums, have active ingredients that fight uneven skin tone caused by age such as fine lines and wrinkles.

6. Sunscreen

You can apply any skincare product you’d like but your effort will be wasted if you don’t apply sunscreen. Increase the efficacy of your routine by applying a broad-spectrum SPF30 sunscreen daily. This will stop the appearance of new sunspots and existing blemishes from becoming darker. Make sure to wear sun-protective clothing to safeguard your entire body from uneven skin tone. Try to find shade as often as you can and avoid the hottest times of the day.

7. Chemical Peel

Photo: anewskinmedspa

If you have more difficult instances, you might want to think about a chemical peel. As compared to IPL or laser treatments, chemical peels come with a lower chance of causing side consequences, particularly for deeper skin shades. To reduce the chance of adverse effects, you must take a cautious approach to your treatment. For instance, you can opt for the most superficial chemical peel that utilizes AHAs and BHAs. Peels that are superficial only exfoliate the epidermis. This is why they are safe for dark skin tones.

8. Niacinamide Serum

Niacinamide has a major skin lightening advantage since it affects melanocytes, the cells that play an important role in the color of the skin. It is an ingredient that dissolves in water that interacts with the natural ingredients that are present in your skin to diminish the appearance of pores that are not closed and uneven skin tone wrinkles and fine lines and reduces the appearance of bluntness.

9. Face Brightening Serum

Another method to lighten dark spots faster is to apply an exfoliating serum to your face. High in active ingredients, serums can be a potent and secure method to address particular skin issues, such as irregular skin color. Retinol is a vitamin A derivative, that helps to treat hyperpigmentation by lightening existing dark spots and also reducing the production of melanin that causes dark spots.

10. Get a laser treatment

Photo: verywellhealth

Hyperpigmentation is the significant cause that causes irregular skin complexion, may be addressed effectively with laser or other procedures performed in the hospital. But it’s dependent on the root source of the problem. Hyperpigmentation, for example, may be caused by photoaging, injuries to the skin, and so on. Therefore, the type of treatment you’ll get is contingent on what the root reason is for your situation.


Despite the difficulties that result from unbalanced skin, getting rid of the problem is possible. Start by going to your dermatologist to get a specific diagnosis. Then, you can tailor your treatment plan to include products specifically for your skin that are specifically designed for the type of skin and imperfections you’re experiencing. If you’re in need, you can enhance your regimen of topically applied treatments by adding other procedures for your skin, like chemical peels. You can then make small but effective changes to your routine and sleep routines. If you make changes to your way holistically, an even and clear complexion is only a matter of time.

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