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Survive Christmas Without Putting on a Ton of Weight

‘Tis the season to be jolly! Jolly fat, that is. Santa is hardly the ideal role model in these obesity-conscious times and temptation is simply everywhere at this time of year. Most of us just give up trying and indulge with wild abandon, aiming to turn over a new, ascetic leaf in January.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. With a few choice strategies, you needn’t have a mountain to climb in the new year. Without depriving yourself of the delights of the season, you can still watch the calories.

Here’s how:

Christmas shopping
If you know you’ll be shopping for several hours getting in Christmas supplies, take along your own healthy snacks and a bottle of water. You won’t need to stop at the coffee shop for a big slice of chocolate cake and whatever calorie-laden novelty coffee they are serving up this year.

Seasonal snacks
At Christmas time sweets, crisps, nuts etc get left around the house which makes things very difficult as visual signals are incredibly strong. Unless you have control over what gets left in sight, make yourself reach for the fruit bowl instead of the chocolate box. Also, try simply not looking at the snacks. If they catch your eye, look away. Avoid those visual prompts.



Christmas meals





Volunteer this Christmas time, at a homeless shelter for instance. It will get you out and active, you’ll be doing a good thing and you’ll probably feel less like over-indulging yourself. Take along your excess chocolates and share them round.

So what do you do to avoid the ‘Christmas bulk’?

Written for Dumb Little Man by Sally from where she writes on how to leave the rat race behind and live a simpler, happier life. She also shares great workout ideas and about her passion for fitness at

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