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Snap out of it! Six Tips for Avoiding the Afternoon Energy Slump

Do you find yourself zipping through your workload in the mornings, feeling energized and motivated … only to crash after lunch?

Most of us are probably familiar with the mid-afternoon energy slump. Whether you feel sleepy, exhausted or just lethargic, these are six ways to keep up your energy levels throughout the afternoon.

  1. Go Light on Lunch
    The biggest cause of that sleepy feeling is overdoing it at lunch time. If you eat a huge mid-day meal, your body’s going to be putting its energy resources into digestion.

Make sure you have a healthy breakfast to see you through the morning, and you won’t be starving at lunch time. Taking your own lunch to work is often the best option, not only for your health but also for your wallet. Try having a wholegrain sandwich filled with lean protein (such as wafer-thin turkey) and salad. Add a couple of pieces of fruit.

Instead of automatically heading for the coffee machine when you feel an energy slump coming on, grab a glass of cool water instead. It can really wake you up.

If you find that you can’t sleep during the day, try meditating instead: some people report finding this just as refreshing.

Avoid sugary snacks, though: they’ll pick you up initially, but the slump will just be deeper once they’ve worn off.

In general, it’s a good idea not to stay sitting at your desk for more than an hour without getting up and having a quick break: if you tend to get backache or sore eyes after a day at the computer, this can really help. At the very least, do some desk stretches.

Where possible, switch to something that engages and interest you when you feel your energy levels dipping: rotating between two or three different tasks can actually increase your productivity. If you really do have to get through something dull, focus on the end result: how you’ll feel to have accomplished it, or what it’ll mean to your boss, team or clients.

Do you find yourself feeling zonked out in the afternoons? What’s causes your energy slumps – and what do you do to deal with them?

Written on 10/06/2009 by Ali Hale. Ali is a professional writer and blogger, and a part-time postgraduate student of creative writing. If you need a hand with any sort of written project, drop her a line ( or check out her website at Aliventures. Photo Credit: seantyler
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