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Simple Ways To Wake Up Ready to Face Your Day



Do you wake up and jump out of bed … or do you linger under the covers, smacking “snooze” on the alarm clock? Do you get a smooth, energizing start to your day … or do you have a mad rush to get everything together before you head out to work?

Whether or not you’re a “morning person”, you can improve the first few hours of your day.

Here’s how:

  1. Get Everything Ready the Night Before
    Perhaps you have great intentions for your morning: you want to get up early, eat a healthy breakfast, hit the gym on the way to work, and arrive in the office with all your papers for that important meeting.

Great in theory; in practice, you might end up hunting for your gym kit, forgetting to take breakfast with you, and dashing off only to double back for those papers.

An easy way to get your morning off to a great start is to put things ready before you go to bed. Sort out those papers. Pack your gym kit into a bag. Put your cereal bowl and box on the kitchen counter. Oh, and, charge the phone and set out the car keys. That way, you can get your day off to a great start.

It’s easy to get engrossed in TV, surfing the web or reading a great book in the evenings. If you have trouble remembering to stop and go to bed, try setting a “go to bed” alarm (as well as a “wake up” one!)

It’s easy to fix this one: either eat earlier (say, at 7pm instead of 8pm) or have a lighter evening meal. If you find that you’re hungry again before bed time, a light snack like a banana, a bowl of oatmeal or a glass of milk can help you drop off.

This can help you unwind and sleep – you know you’re not going to forget important tasks – and can help you feel mentally prepared for what’s coming up during the following day.

That might mean:

It might only be half an hour, but it can give your whole day a more positive tone.

If you consistently fail to get up when your alarm goes off at 6am, then set it for 6.30am (or whenever you really get out of bed). If you do genuinely want to get up at 6am, then go to bed half an hour earlier. You might also want to try putting your alarm further away – if you have to get out of bed to reach it, you’re already on your feet!

Do you struggle with mornings, or do you bounce out of bed, full of energy? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below…

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